New Years Resolutions 2013


I have 2:

1: Stop pretending I dont have Celiacs Disease. Hey you try not eating anything with Gluten in it. It fucking sucks.

2: Go back to using my Because fuck going cold turkey that's why. I used this thing for two years and never smoked a single cigarette until my divorce started shitting down my throat.


Not a New Year's resolution per se, but continue to gain (muscle) weight. Currently 6'1" and 160 lbs. I have a bad habit of skipping meals when I'm working.


Treasured Member
Shoop more fire and lens flares with soaring dragons and half naked women on cheap cars.

Put more time into messing with Autocad 3D than Photoshop like I should be doing.
Well, so much for the major expenses previously mentioned all being next year. Managed to negotiate a fairly decent deal on an HVAC today so I let the guy close with an install date of Friday. Was about 1.5k less than we had budgeted for with 1 year interest free so that works.

But I can cross that off my to do list. Just need to coordinate and schedule the drywall and painting.


Just a Nurse
1) Quit biting my nails. OMG, this has been my NY resolution for the past 8 years, lol.
2) Do more spin because weather sucks to ride the bike
3) Learn Spanish


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
1) Quit biting my nails. OMG, this has been my NY resolution for the past 8 years, lol.
2) Do more spin because weather sucks to ride the bike
3) Learn Spanish
Accept the lord jesus christ to help you cure your demoniac homosexuality.

Well, so much for the major expenses previously mentioned all being next year. Managed to negotiate a fairly decent deal on an HVAC today so I let the guy close with an install date of Friday. Was about 1.5k less than we had budgeted for with 1 year interest free so that works.

But I can cross that off my to do list. Just need to coordinate and schedule the drywall and painting.
Please do tell us all about your home renovations at every step of the process. I find it infinitely fascinating.


A Mod Real Quick
Accept the lord jesus christ to help you cure your demoniac homosexuality.

Please do tell us all about your home renovations at every step of the process. I find it infinitely fascinating.
Since you seem like you enjoy the periodic updates. The new year hasn't started yet and I have lost 7 pounds. I'll keep you up to date though.


Trakanon Raider
I tend to be something of a picky eater, so my resolution is to expand my palette in terms of what I'll eat.


Figured I'd start a thread about this.

My 2013 new years resolution is to go 30 days as a vegetarian. (Not fag-cunt vegan). I've been a hardcore meat eater my whole life and I wanted to see what this kind of diet would do to me.
No beef, chicken or fish in my diet for the month of January. Veggies, nuts, fruits, eggs and of course coffee are all on the menu.

If anyone has recipes or wants to share their new year resolution - post away! (I'm gonna need all the help I can get if I plan to make it one month, I'm such a pussy)
You need to also cut out eggs and milk. Otherwise you are just a pretend vegetarian.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
1. Be fully in remission from cancer within the next 3 months.
2. After I get healthy, start dating and building healthy relationships.
3. Properly rehab my shoulder and get back into bouldering.
4. Successfully climb v5 problems (indoor) by boulderfest in October and compete.
5. Hit my goal weight (thank you cancer diet) of 155. - I've been putting a ton of weight on since starting hormone therapy for my prostate cancer, hormone therapy, and not being able to work out since screwing up my shoulder.

Holy hell, this is going to be a tough fucking year, but I've already been in going through cancer treatment for 9 months, what's a few more rounds of chemo?


Mr. Poopybutthole
Hey guys I have cancer. Did I mention that I have cancer? BTW I have cancer.

My new years resolution is to be even more of a jackass. I set the bar pretty high, so this won't be an easy resolution.