New Years Resolutions 2013


2 nights in a row going to bed completely sober, last drink was more than 36 hours ago and that was a beer I had about 4 hours before going to bed. First day pretty much sucked, had dizzy spells throughout the day, but now waking up the 2nd day I feel pretty good. Moderate insomnia last night with some crazy dreams, woke up the pillow was drenched with sweat, including pretty much anything around my where chest had laid down.

I was told to expect nightmares so I'm glad that didn't happen. I believe if I can make it a week, till next Tuesday, I'm out of the woods.


Golden Squire
Weak ass resolution, but I will stick by it.

Cut out sugary drinks completely which I have been trying to do off and on for years now.

Then start doing cardio so my fucking clothes fit me again.

That is all.


1. Be fully in remission from cancer within the next 3 months.
2. After I get healthy, start dating and building healthy relationships.
3. Properly rehab my shoulder and get back into bouldering.
4. Successfully climb v5 problems (indoor) by boulderfest in October and compete.
5. Hit my goal weight (thank you cancer diet) of 155. - I've been putting a ton of weight on since starting hormone therapy for my prostate cancer, hormone therapy, and not being able to work out since screwing up my shoulder.

Holy hell, this is going to be a tough fucking year, but I've already been in going through cancer treatment for 9 months, what's a few more rounds of chemo?
Wich you good luck with your remission!


I'm 8 days in and have been able to stick to my resolution.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Where are the majority of your proteins coming from? And how are eggs vegetarian!?


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
An egg is not a vegetable. It is of animal origin. Vegetables are of plant origin
I guess since the egg is not fertilized it's not an animal, so it's basically just an animal product, like milk. I dunno. I will eat a chicken at every stage of its life.


So 2 weeks no booze on this coming Tuesday. I've reached a point where I feel like the good feeling of being drunk again wouldn't compare to the shitty feeling of fucking up and having to start over, so I'm pretty sure I'm done. I'm not going to be able to drink casually for a LONG time, if ever, so I'm avoiding drinking altogether. Last night was my first real test, at a bar with buddies and a full wallet. Nothing but soda the entire time, minor victory felt good.

I told a buddy about the whole "slipping up would feel like shit" and he told me "Fuck all that, focus on the new good feelings, not the weird/bad angles" but I don't know how much I agree. Stubborn anger has been working out so far in squashing this shit.


Trakanon Raider
Good to hear, keep it up. Out of curiosity, how heavy of a drinker were you before?

I've considered giving up booze for a few months before. I'm not a constant drinker, I'm perfectly able to have a beer with dinner and that's it. But once or twice a month I'll have a pretty good binge of 15-30 drinks in an evening. Mainly I'd be curious to see how I'd feel after a couple weeks with zero alcohol, and what effect it would have on my weight etc.

But it just tastes so good


A Mod Real Quick
I'm weird, I drink like once a year if that. On New Years I had one can of Four Loko and blacked out.. I weigh 220 lbs as well.


Good to hear, keep it up. Out of curiosity, how heavy of a drinker were you before?

I've considered giving up booze for a few months before. I'm not a constant drinker, I'm perfectly able to have a beer with dinner and that's it. But once or twice a month I'll have a pretty good binge of 15-30 drinks in an evening. Mainly I'd be curious to see how I'd feel after a couple weeks with zero alcohol, and what effect it would have on my weight etc.

But it just tastes so good
I was never a hard alcohol drinker, that was once in an every 3 month period. My nightly, and I mean EVERY night, was anywhere between 2 Mickey's tallboys all the way up to 2 40's of malt liquor. On weekends it was worse, I would wake up around 9am, start drinking until I blacked out around 3pm, wake back up at 8pm, start over, then black out again at 1-2am and sleep for the night. That made for pretty horrible Mondays at work.

I know malt liquor is cheap swill, but I could get bent for no more than $5. I have friends that tell me "oh that isn't shit, I used to drink a 5th of Jack every night", but that doesn't help me. I went like 2 years without going to bed stone cold sober once. I was blacking out to sleep, my memories were horribly spotty at best for the last hour before bed, then I'd feel like shit the whole next day.

I'm glad I quit, I still have weird cravings, and at weird times. I was hauling groceries upstairs today, like 4 trips and was trying to grab way too many bags at once, completely exhausted, and I suddenly had a craving for a beer, a time I should NOT have wanted to drink. It's also very situational for me, I would always grab my beers after work and then go home, so when I quit I would have to force myself to go home, strip down to boxers, and force myself to not get off the couch until I was ready to go pass out. I felt like it if I stayed dressed I would find an excuse to go back to the store.

That was my best way to handle the situation, I just went straight home and put it out of my mind.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Good to hear, keep it up. Out of curiosity, how heavy of a drinker were you before?

I've considered giving up booze for a few months before. I'm not a constant drinker, I'm perfectly able to have a beer with dinner and that's it. But once or twice a month I'll have a pretty good binge of 15-30 drinks in an evening. Mainly I'd be curious to see how I'd feel after a couple weeks with zero alcohol, and what effect it would have on my weight etc.

But it just tastes so good
I drastically cut down my drinking last June (in combination with other lifestyle changes, like going to the gym and overall healthier eating) and I've never felt better in my life. I used to do kind of like you occasional beer or two but at least a few days of very heavy drinking every month. I haven't even been close to drunk since that time as I'll generally have one or two bottles of Miller Lite if I go out with friends nowadays. I certainly don't miss being hungover. Losing 40+ pounds is pretty nice, too.


Trakanon Raider
I certainly don't miss being hungover.
Yeah, that's part of my problem. Generally even when getting obliterated I don't get all that hungover, because when I do it's off Jack and waters and/or shots of jack. I might start the night out with beers, but after a point I just can't drink them anymore, so on to Jack it is. And I'm pretty good about drinking lots of water before, during and after.

So yeah, I guess what I'm getting at is that I don't feel any strong need to quit booze, cause generally I feel pretty awesome anyways. But it's always at the back of my mind as something that I should maybe consider, at some undetermined point down the road.

grow more pot
Yeah, see, THAT shit I am addicted to. Fucks with my sleeping, eating, motivation, and everything else. I still smoke it probably once a week when someone busts out a joint or a bowl after beer league hockey or on a chair lift, but otherwise I've stopped buying it entirely for the better part of the last couple years. If I have it around, I smoke it, and melt in to my couch.


JunkiesNetwork Donor
I've considered giving up booze for a few months before. I'm not a constant drinker, I'm perfectly able to have a beer with dinner and that's it. But once or twice a month I'll have a pretty good binge of 15-30 drinks in an evening. Mainly I'd be curious to see how I'd feel after a couple weeks with zero alcohol, and what effect it would have on my weight etc.

But it just tastes so good
That describes me to a T. I haven't had a drink since Xmas eve and I don't feel any different, besides not having wasted a day laying around being hungover. I still smoke the ganja, but I would be an insomniac if I cold turkeyed that as well. Haven't had to buy it in years once I learned you could order seeds online. Just grow out 4 fems twice a year and I always have a nice personal stash of some high quality bud. Just ordered some OG Kush #18 and LA Confidential, can't wait to try em.