NFL Postseason 2017 - Where Romo Gets His Ring


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
This is a pretty retarded conversation. Brady is up there but would I take him with another team in some of those situations? Not so sure. I remember Pey Pey dominating with his arm and intellect and am pretty sure he could do it anywhere. Is Rodgers superior arm going to outdo Mannings knowledge of the game? Are we remembering good Manning or that slack-armed detriment of the past few years? Based on actual history Brady will be the best QB of all time because rings do count. Just like the Dallas OL should be the MVP this year but they won't be.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
That's a very good addition to the data. Games blown by the defense after a score in the last few minutes and number of opportunities to have a fourth quarter comeback are extremely relevant here.
I looked for that info, not just for Rodgers but for everyone.....couldn't find it but it would add to the conversation.


El Presidente
The 4th quarter comeback stat is kind of a dumb stat as a total number. If your team goes 15-1 and has a 3 TD lead at the end of the 3rd quarter every week, this will be something you're in a very rare position to accomplish, but probably means your QB is good.
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<Bronze Donator>
there's a reason Lions fans aren't clamoring everywhere about how we just set the record for 4th-quarter-comebacks. yeah, its cool and all, interesting, but we would obviously rather enter the 4th quarter with the lead ever time and never have it taken from us...


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
2. Aaron Rodgers is better than Tom Brady. If you believe otherwise, you're also a fucking moron. Tom is the greatest QB ever, but Aaron Rodgers is better in literally every way when it comes to playing the position of QB.

lol. There is no way that sentence can make sense to you. If it does, see a psychiatrist. I don't know what disorder you have, but I bet it's hard to pronounce.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
lol. There is no way that sentence can make sense to you. If it does, see a psychiatrist. I don't know what disorder you have, but I bet it's hard to pronounce.
It makes sense. I have a Master's in English as well as History aka I'm poor. Fuck you.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
I think a clearer way to put it would be: Tom Brady is the most successful NFL QB in NFL history, but Rodgers is more talented at the position. I think that's a fair statement to both men. Though personally, I have a hard time rating anyone better than Montana, especially from the current pass friendly era. And I say that as a Packer fan. Favre is my all time favorite to watch, though. Last of the gunslingers, unless Luck gets a better team around him.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
Tony Romo is higher on that list than Rodgers. Pure talent doesn't automatically make you the greatest. Look at Bo Jackson.
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Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Tony Romo is just another Matt Ryan, just with a better deep ball and more picks. His only playoff wins have come against the mighty Detroit Lions and Iggles. Don't get me wrong, I like the guy as a player and his public persona, but he is just not a top tier QB. If nothing else, I think Dak's success this year has more or less exposed that fact to a lot of people.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
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King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
Tony Romo is just another Matt Ryan, just with a better deep ball and more picks. His only playoff wins have come against the mighty Detroit Lions and Iggles. Don't get me wrong, I like the guy as a player and his public persona, but he is just not a top tier QB. If nothing else, I think Dak's success this year has more or less exposed that fact to a lot of people.

Great point and the same exact argument people will use against Brady. Cassel sure looked good that year. Garropolo did too. Wow, even 3rd string turd didn't look awful. Playing for Mr Belichick sure sounds like an awesome gig?!
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Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
Great point and the same exact argument people will use against Brady. Cassel sure looked good that year. Garropolo did too. Wow, even 3rd string turd didn't look awful. Playing for Mr Belichick sure sounds like an awesome gig?!
Must be why all the non Brady QBs did so well when they left New England...


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
We need to see Brady on another team to determine. Send him to an LA team next season, if he's still good, then we know he's the best ever.
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King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
Must be why all the non Brady QBs did so well when they left New England...

Yep, no Mr Belichick.

We need to see Brady on another team to determine. Send him to an LA team next season, if he's still good, then we know he's the best ever.

I can agree with that. Goff needs more seasoning anyway. That, or maybe Tommy Boy can teach the finer arts of not throwing to the other team to Felipe Rios?


Golden Squire
Tony Romo is just another Matt Ryan, just with a better deep ball and more picks. His only playoff wins have come against the mighty Detroit Lions and Iggles. Don't get me wrong, I like the guy as a player and his public persona, but he is just not a top tier QB. If nothing else, I think Dak's success this year has more or less exposed that fact to a lot of people.
It's like you're not even paying attention to the conversations around here. Hey, Rodgers is a pretty good QB right? How come he doesn't have more rings? Oh, that's right, his coach probably sucks and the rest of the team is only just good enough for them to win the division versus three teams who can never seen to get their shit together.

The only thing Dak's success proves is that when you surround a good QB with good to great players, they can succeed. Hey look, they pretty much did the same thing in 2014. It's almost as if they had planned taking the pressure off needing Romo to go out and single handily win games for them.

In short, fuck you. You went from a HoF QB into Rodgers. Dallas went from a HoF QB to Randall Cunningham, Anthony Wright, Quincy Carter, Ryan Leaf, Clint Stoerner, Chad Hutchinson, Vinny Testaverde, Drew Henson, and Drew Bledsoe before landing with Romo. Since then the only losing seasons coincided with Romo being out for most of the season (2010 and 2015).