- 16,689
- 12,910
Or you are just freaking out because you have no specific numbers so you assume a lot of things. Funny now it is in stock it is still doomed despite people buying it. We should wait to see how things look after holiday season as that is when the magic happens for all players.
Hey look at it this way. There will be plenty of stock when people want to buy Mario and don't have one yet. Meanwhile, until then, you'll have Neo Geo games out the Ying Yang continuing to be launched at the bargain basement price of 8 bucks per game to play until October, and a shitload of iOS ports. Xenoblade will come out in 2018 (Early) and Wham... Um... Well, shit.... Then what? Yoshi? More ports, iOS ports, and indie PC ports. WHOOP!
To be fair, Microsoft is about to get their ass kicked as well. Because they just delayed CD3 again and it won't be an Xbox One X launch title, they can't create a UI to save their own ass, and have fallen so far out of touch with gamers it makes the Nintendo's online service the pinnacle of 2017 advancement.