Gonna bite on this because some of this I cannot believe you wrote. Is this the same
Unified direction for Nintendo as a company. Merges the mobile and living room strategies and does both well.
Except they fucked it up and continue to do so. They released a new 2DS model and continue to develop (lots) of portable games on that platform for the foreseeable future. It's behind the times as a living room console by spades, and as a mobile platform for anything but indie games and iOS ports drains the battery in less than 3.2 hours. If you are lucky. It's bulky. The controller set up for AAA games is hard to use for anyone that isn't a midget, and if anything Nintendo execs have stock in icy hot.
Focuses on games, not gimmicks. It's fairly gimmick free for a Nintendo device
The first game was milking cows with a controller literally the size of my pinky, along with commercials of people at parties with joycons playing 4 player coop games on a 7 inch display on top of a coffee table. That was actually an advertised use case. Completely 100% implausible. The joycons are shit while slid into that controller base, forcing a Pro Controller purchase at an inflated price for docked use.
Cheaper to make than the Wii U ever could be so they'll be able to drop pricing to stay competitive in the market.
They will drop the price and take a loss when they realize false market demand and supply constraints caused more hype than the device itself. That is happening at this moment.
Everyone loves those iOS ports selling for double the price of what they sell for on the phone. Shallow as shit iOS games belong on iOS. Not a Nintendo console.
Nintendo alone has a staggering amount of IP, much of it was held back from the Wii U.
Zelda, Mario, Donkey Kong, Xenoblade, Mario Kart, Smash, Star Fox, and plenty more came out. In fact, most of the IP you are looking forward too will he quickly shat out Wii U ports. Up to and including Zelda BOTW. (Great game, played it on my Wii U)
With that said, Pokémon is already in IP fatigue. Smash will be a Wii U port not a new game.
Yes, they need to get a grip on playing with your friends online and they will.
No. They won't. They already fucked up online advancement they DID make with the Wii U by requiring a second device for basic functions such as lobbies and voice chat, along with friend codes. NOA fought this tooth and nail and lost to their Japanese overlords. Nintendo Japan is fucking backwards and aren't ever going to change their minds. You know as well as I do they will stick a dagger in their heart and have a samurai cut their head off before they admit they were wrong.
The switch was released with one thing in mind. A too far along in development piece of shit hardware that went through many iterations and was force fed into the market a year too early before they finished standards based features to save their tanking stock. Yes. Mario will sell switches. AAA support is already fading, and games will continue to be scarce until late next year.
Nintendo fucked up huge with backwards thinking and executives at NOJ that don't know their ass from a hole in the ground who simply CANNOT or WILL not move their cheese. It very well could be they are just inept at everything relating to moving said cheese and don't even have the talent to put voice chat and lobbies on a console instead of a second device. (Which works for shit anyway).
The only thing that can save this console now is a full VC launch included in the 24.99 a year subscription for full access to their backlog. And they won't even see that right in front of their fucking faces.
It's frustrating. Just such complete fucking ineptitude astounds me but now it's just gotten to the point that I believe they will never budge from their horseshit policies, and will continue to sell 20-25 million consoles a generation and launch their first party games. That's all it will be.
Until then, and right now, it's more a laughable neo geo machine than anything. It's fucking ridiculous how bad they botched this fucking thing.