Nintendo Switch (previously NX)


Molten Core Raider
Where are you getting the Splatoon 2 sucks thing from? I've seen you say this a few times, but I haven't seen any articles or anything about it? I played the test and it was exactly what was expected so...

Either way, I'm pretty sure the Switch is looking to go beyond what the Wii U did. So there will be people who didn't get to play it that will want to play it. Don't really see what's so hard to understand about that.
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F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Where are you getting the Splatoon 2 sucks thing from? I've seen you say this a few times, but I haven't seen any articles or anything about it? I played the test and it was exactly what was expected so...

Either way, I'm pretty sure the Switch is looking to go beyond what the Wii U did. So there will be people who didn't get to play it that will want to play it. Don't really see what's so hard to understand about that.

Splatoon 2 doesn't feel like a proper sequel just yet


Trakanon Raider
The Test Fire for Splatoon 2 was not very exciting. The game really needs to bring the split-screen, GoldenEye feel back to make the Switch portability and hand out the joy-con vibe work. That's the selling point for me. I'm ok with Mario Kart re-release but I better get a Super Smash Bros with some serious upgrades and added characters but i'm feeling it will be a re-release with Inklings added.
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F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
So basically what it sounds like to me is more rehashed bullshit like Mario kart. Could be wrong! I loved splatoon although an indie game being sold for 59 was ridiculous.


Karazhan Raider
Did we read the same article? That's not saying the game sucks at all. It is just saying it doesn't feel that much different from the original, which by most people's account was a pretty good game. You can argue it's just a deluxe version of the game or whatever I guess.

I mean straight from your article

Then there's the problem of it just feeling like a straight port rather than something new. That's not such an issue when the original is so fantastic, and maybe Nintendo's designers didperfect the formula first time around, but a little more progression wouldn't go amiss, and would help calm the concern that the number 2 was only slapped on late in the day to a deluxe version of Splatoon.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
The original also sold almost 5 million copies. Not a system seller to mass market the switch. Just as it didn't do anything to move Wii U's. These are the same damn games.


Trakanon Raider
That is interesting on the plastic stuff, wonder what is causing the warp then q.Q

Brother asked me to design a new dock for him, thinking about it....


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Bomberman is still a thing? LOL....

No but go to any forum where Nintendo fans are morons that cannot accept their system is a mediocre piece of shit, thy literally scream about playing bomberman, indie titles which have been out for fucking ever and also some double the price, and two games in Mario kart and splatoon which they have already played as well, and rather be pissed Mario kart for Wii U had its battle mode cut for no damn reason, praise nintendojesus its back with a piece of shit console with horrid online delivery models.

Some of these fucking people live in lala land.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
maybe Nintendo is just targeting a niche market. No one outside of Nintendo fans and some kids would dare touch this brand.


Trakanon Raider
Ya hah there online model is still a joke, a app on my phone just to use the Voice system seems really lame glad I didn't buy one but was fun too mess around with(even popped the memory on his, you can't really do anything with it yet but have it spit out random error messages)

I though I read somewhere Nintendo hired some company to create a real online system for them ? or did that end up like that android company they talked too and they told them too fuck off hah
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what Suineg set it to
Aren't Nintendo going to run out of nostalgia victims I mean customers eventually? Most of the "kids" I know maybe a decade younger seem to have looked at graduating to xbox/ps as escaping to an adult platform and seem to have nostalgia for those teenage years systems not GameCube/Wii. The fact is gameboy and NES were good systems in their day, so people remember them fondly. Nintendo doesn't seem to really be generating the nostalgia levels they're going to need to grab the youngest generations with weak member berries releases that define every console generation lately. Zelda was an aberration in that regard.
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Molten Core Raider
It almost feels like someone here is running multiple accounts to troll this thread. Usually there's some actual discussion followed by verbal diarrhea, but whatever.

Anyway, as for bringing Wii U games to the new system. Why the fuck would they not? Every other company does it, why wouldn't they? It would just be leaving money on the table. Fuck, Sony brought the whole Uncharted collection, the Last of Us, and even did that shit last gen on the PS3. This isn't some new thing. It's just a good way to pad out a library, especially in the beginning.

As for the Switch's online system, no, Nintendo isn't handling it in house IIRC. We don't even know how exactly it's going to work, but we do know there will be a phone app. Weather that will be the only way to online chat and what not, we don't know. I suspect we'll find out soon, though, as Mario Kart Deluxe, Splatoon 2, and ARMS will have online play.

I'm not saying Nintendo doesn't do some shitty things, but the malice some of you have is pretty weird.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
The malice comes from fuck-ups like this coming from a company like Nintendo.

I really don't understand why this is hard to understand. Maybe too many years reading neofag where one must praise Nintendo at the alter? Many of us grew up on Nintendo and hold that company and it's games to a high standard. We want them to be great and succeed. Every single complaint is met with an excuses, that is why the conversation keeps getting brought up over and over again.
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F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
I really don't understand why this is hard to understand. Maybe too many years reading neofag where one must praise Nintendo at the alter? Many of us grew up on Nintendo and hold that company and it's games to a high standard. We want them to be great and succeed. Every single complaint is met with an excuses, that is why the conversation keeps getting brought up over and over again.


People act like we hate Nintendo and want them to fail. No. We want them to wake the hell up and get their shit together, and they continually get worse, and with this launch, it's one of the worst they have had yet and anyone with a pulse can see the Wii U will look like a sales messiah compared to what is going to happen unless they change a LOT of policies.

And no Sithro, we already know the second device is REQUIRED for lobby, chat, possibly matchmaking depending on the game. We already know they launched this thing half baked with countless hardware issues. We already know their online service flies against the standard that has been set for YEARS. This isn't about anyone trying to hate on Nintendo "For Fun". I bought a NES, SNES, Gamecube, Wii, Wii U. I have owned a Gameboy Advance, DS, 3DSXL. Each and every single time buying it for the possibility of a few good games with the hope they pull their heads out of their asses. And they never do. And this entire launch has gone so far into left field with anti consumer gimmicks and non standard garbage, along with faulty cheap as shit hardware, I won't be buying anything from them again until they fix their shit.

And yeah guess what? That sucks. What sucks more is seeing people defend their behavior when it has honestly reached rock bottom now and feedback at this moment is VERY important. And some are blowing sunshine and roses up their asses.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
It almost feels like someone here is running multiple accounts to troll this thread.

No, these are all unique individuals who aren't going to be shouted down on other forums like SA or GAF. A forum where the truth rings free in the hopes this idiotic company will start changing their ways. And it never comes to fruition. In fact, with this console, it got even 50 times worse than their previous iteration.


<Silver Donator>
Nintendo has been predictably retarded for something like 15 years now. We're all frustrated with it, because if you pick 10 random users on this forum they could come up with better business decisions than Nintendo has been making.
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F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
True, but this one even goes beyond their typical retardation. At least we were starting to see some improvements. Sure, while MS and Sony were coming out with standard optical drives, Nintendo came out with their own non standard mini disc/DVD system with the GameCube and Wii. When online was accessible, Nintendo was still issuing friend codes. With the Wii U they made progress in the online front. And now? This thing is not only a non standard pile of trash hardware spec, but bringing an online service back to the Kali days. Along with no features and functionality. Games which can be bought for 50% the cost on a 3DS if you want portable "Anything else but Zelda Breath of the Wild", and Nintendo fans reaching a brick wall in what to cling too next instead of hopping on the boat and telling Nintendo what they need to do to turn this around.

Seriously go around the web and "Oh boy! We get to play the same Mario Kart we played on the Wii U but they added battle mode back which should have been in the last game anyway!" Or "Oh HEY! Splatoon again!" "OH MAN I CANNOT WAIT FOR SHOVEL KNIGHT, BINDING OF ISAAC, and (Insert completely over hyped indie title here which all of them are over 3 years old, and selling for double the price with no improvements over any platform version)

All their online progress and NNID progress (Which should have been figured out 10 years ago anyway I may add) has been wiped out by this ridiculous flailing idiotic launch of an early access alpha console with a laundry list of items why it won't sell past the initial "new tech" craze.

Pretty sure consumers will speak up enough as it goes more mainstream and they pull the same mistake with this in over supply as they did with the Gamecube, rather than fix their company.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>

People act like we hate Nintendo and want them to fail. No. We want them to wake the hell up and get their shit together, and they continually get worse, and with this launch, it's one of the worst they have had yet and anyone with a pulse can see the Wii U will look like a sales messiah compared to what is going to happen unless they change a LOT of policies.

And no Sithro, we already know the second device is REQUIRED for lobby, chat, possibly matchmaking depending on the game. We already know they launched this thing half baked with countless hardware issues. We already know their online service flies against the standard that has been set for YEARS. This isn't about anyone trying to hate on Nintendo "For Fun". I bought a NES, SNES, Gamecube, Wii, Wii U.
you should have stopped at Wii.

I stopped at Gamecube because it was the single worst purchase I've ever made to a console category. I mean it had some good games, which is why I bought it but apart from a few great games, there was no need to purchase a system like this any more than I had to purchase a second set of knives because PS2 did everything I needed and more.