No better shows have ever existed than Seinfeld or X-files.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I'd agree that MASH and Cheers were up there with Seinfeld. I'd say Scrubs actually deserves a mention for sitcoms too.

I don't agree that Seinfeld is "high brow" unless judged by the lowest common denominator middle American hick sensibility. Deconstructionist sitcom though, I like that better. That was part of the genius of Seinfeld, it had subtlety without being dense, it was smart comedy yet still full of accessible jokes. It had a classic sitcom feel and maintained a story and recurring characters without falling into the typical cliches and tropes we had seen in sitcoms too many times already. It had heady, dry moments interspersed with the confused, misguided and bumbling antics of Elaine and George, also with healthy doses of Kramer's masterfully executed physical slapstick. In short, it was a show about nothing but it had something for everyone and it reaped the rewards for nailing that widely accessible content.

When I think "high brow" and television, I'd think more of like Northern Exposure, though that certainly wasn't a sitcom and also equal parts drama and comedy.

When I think of funniest though, I don't really think sitcoms in general as much as sketch shows. Chapelle, Kids in the Hall, the best moments of SNL over the years, all got more pure out loud laughter from me than any sit coms. Probably some others too but I'm drawing a blank on what.

I'd call Always Sunny and Workaholics potentially as influential and evolutionary as any classic sitcoms, but their longevity and legacy remain to be seen.


Frasier > Seinfeld


Musty Nester
I'd call Always Sunny and Workaholics potentially as influential and evolutionary as any classic sitcoms, but their longevity and legacy remain to be seen.
Always Sunny was absolutely on fire for a season or two. They were just hammering it without any rest. Recent seasons are still entertaining but they've run low on the whatever it was they were smoking to make that show as hilarious as it was. There are still moments here and there where as the Episode with Charlie's musical was cranked to 11 for the entire episode. I guess it's a problem with gross-out contests.

I think Sunny suffers from not being bounded. If they knew they only had a set run of X shows rather than writing for "if the contract renews", it would be nothing but Kitten Mittens and D.E.N.N.I.S. and Sad Crying Girl on YouTube and Mac's dad gets out of prison and Who got Sweet Dee knocked up?


Rogue Deathwalker Box
<Silver Donator>
Might actually cave and watch The Wire after listening to you fags fawning for it for 7 pages.

Lost was shit. 100% shit.

X-Files, was awesome. Mulder leaving did dampen it a lot tho.

BSG, that was $. Great show all the way through IMO.

Seinfeld was good, Kramer and the fat bald guy made that show imo.

I think Sopranos > Seinfeld, but thats just me.


Musty Nester
Back when the Wayan Brothers actually tried.

That show launched Jim Carey. In Living Color actually was a pretty good sketch show.

You couldn't show In Living Color anywhere except for BET today. "Mo' Money, Mo' Money, Mo' Money" and "3 Snaps in a Z formation"? That shit would get firebombed for being KKK levels of bigotry.


Millie's Staff Member
its pretty crazy how much is censored on tv now compared to 20 years ago. in the 80s the local channel 9 station had 2 kind of outrageous shows. Morton Downey Jr show and some terrible terrible cop show with 0 budget called The Street. you could regularly hear some uncensored f bombs dropped on either show and some crazy racist shit.


In terms of Breaking Bad being mentioned, I just finished season 3 and so far there has only been one bad episode. Enjoying it so far.
I've heard just about nothing but praise for Breaking Bad. I watched up through episode 5 of the first season about 3 months ago then stopped because I was bored to tears. I'll probably give it another shot pretty soon, because it sounds like the show really picks up at the end of season 1/beginning season 2. Not going to lie though, if it didn't have the reputation it does I would have deleted it off my hard drive a long time ago. Maybe I just went in with too great of expectations, but the whole first half of the first season I would say is pretty bad.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
its pretty crazy how much is censored on tv now compared to 20 years ago. in the 80s the local channel 9 station had 2 kind of outrageous shows. Morton Downey Jr show and some terrible terrible cop show with 0 budget called The Street. you could regularly hear some uncensored f bombs dropped on either show and some crazy racist shit.

Leto Eu`Acumen

As far as comedy series go, I am surprised no one has mentioned Scrubs yet. Scrubs was golden.

I just finished another marathon of The Wire (again), so...yea. The Wire gets even better on a re-watch. Definitely best Drama of all time for me.

Deadwood had amazing potential but it was cut way, way too early. Still should be required watching though...It gets my honorable mention just because there is not really anything else out there like it imo.


I love Curb Your Enthusiasm. Yet, every time I see a clip from Seinfeld I am shocked by the atrocious line delivery and abominable laugh track. Someone please explain to me how it is better than Curb and convince me to watch that show.


You mean the same bullshit Greys Anatomy that has been on for 10 seasons and has won 2 Golden Globes, won 52 other awards and has been nominated for 138 others??

Gayest moment in television was when that guy killed like 9000 people in the hospital. The other gayest moments in television are all the other GA episodes.