The only PS4VR game I have played before this one was Skyrim. This was much blurrier than Skyrim, I looked up why and people are saying that Skyrim has a PS4 pro texture pack applied and this doesn't (yet?) and that must be why.
It was first person, no over the shoulder view for me out of the box. I had to switch off teleporting.
I didn't know what I was doing, never played before, but followed the hints and was able to fix my ship and fly to some beacon on another planet. Stopped for the night after that.
I am playing with the standard PS4 controller/dualshock if they still call it that. I could do everything fine with that except aim my mining gun. I never could figure out how to get that thing to respond so it always fired off at an angle and I just had to turn my whole body to line it up.
The game feels like a first person Terraria.