No Man's Sky


<Gold Donor>
Well you say 6 base max, and here I was thinking it was 6 ships max.

Guess it's just a max of 6 visible in your freighter bays? No idea but that's what I thought.

I've also been jumping around in my area of space looking for Interceptors, and tonight I saw there's a "glyph exchange" where I could have just scrolled until a found a ship I liked, then portaled to that location, instead of looking for dissonant stuff.

I'll probably just keep looking for my own, as long as whatever I find doesn't look COMPLETELY retarded

I spent the better part of a week hunting interceptors, and made a literal fuckton of money (which is mostly worthless at this point). I found almost my perfect ship, but not really the color I liked. I had already been to that glyph exchange and grabbed a couple before realizing what style ship I really wanted. So instead of wasting even more time I just scrolled until I found what I wanted. It doesn't have the 4 connected supercharged slots that everyone loves, but eh, it isn't like you can't beat everything without it.

EDIT: Then I moved onto living ships, and the first one is just random luck. After that, I targeted my White SheDevil on the exchange, because screw wasting all that quicksilver trying to find a ship you like.
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<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
So far I just haven't found one I really like. This one isn't bad, but that's it



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<Gold Donor>
So far I just haven't found one I really like. This one isn't bad, but that's it



Eventually, after seeing a bajillion different variations, I decided I needed one with tank treads, which makes it even rarer. And you gotta have a ton of thrusters, amirite?! I'll see if I can't relocate the threads from Reddit for the two I ended up keeping.
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<Gold Donor>
I decided to log in after not playing for a bit just to mess around. Right off the rip I appreciate the change in soundtrack, I love synthwave but, this really hits my dopamine receptors just right.

On another note, I have an enormous surplus of raw resources and various other items including void eggs/organic ship eggs. It is more than I need and I can always replenish my supply. If anyone wants/needs anything shoot me a PM and I'll send you my NMS friend code.

Inventory pics below, sorry for the slight lack of organization.

Edit: The only thing I really care about are the plant samples in spoiler 3, idk for some reason I can't let them go.

Screenshot 2024-09-24 172141.png

Screenshot 2024-09-24 172301.png

Screenshot 2024-09-24 172311.png
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SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
I want to love this game. I enjoy it in small bursts. But I just can't get past the atrocious menu and inventory UI. I guess it has to do with being on consoles also? As a PC player, there's no excuse for such a clunky UI. Is there a mod that reworks the inventory and menu UI into something bearable?
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<Gold Donor>
I want to love this game. I enjoy it in small bursts. But I just can't get past the atrocious menu and inventory UI. I guess it has to do with being on consoles also? As a PC player, there's no excuse for such a clunky UI. Is there a mod that reworks the inventory and menu UI into something bearable?

I have yet to find one that makes a worthwhile difference, best I could find are faster menu mods