I'm utterly addicted to this game now for the past few weeks. Up to over 80 hours, and not even remotely getting bored yet.
I managed to complete the main quest, weirdly interesting story. Enjoyed it.
I maxed out the 3 tabs of my inventory, makes such a big difference, I hate inventory management, and at the beginning, you have so little space that it made it hard for me to enjoy the game.
I farmed Nanites (doing missions, looting everything, and selling upgrade modules I have, or don't want). I got enough that I was able to purchase all the technology blueprints for Exosuit, Exocraft, Starship and Multi-tools available at the Nexus. So now I need to get S Class Upgrade Modules, so more Nanites farming, well not really farming as I just get them looting and completing missions as I do other stuff rather than being the focus.
I also farmed Salvaged Tech so I could learn the crafting recipes available at the Nexus, I am not done with this, but got the most important stuff. I still need all of the Basic Wood and Concrete recipes, and all the Decals. I have most of everything else though.
I manage to find a S Class Hauler with 48 Slots, and only missing 6 Technology slots, I had 2 Storage Slot thingy to upgrade the ship, so only missing 4 more to get my ship to 48/14 and maxed out. It's not the best looking ship around but it's doing the job.
I fleet is doing pretty good, got an A Class Freighter with 32 slots, so lots of room to improve there. Also missing a lot of Freighter Blueprints that you can buy with Freighter Salvaged Tech, I really want the Matter Beam that allows me to teleport inventory items from Exosuit to freighter inventory if in the same system. I do have 30 Frigates now in my Fleet though, making about 7-12M a day in Units alone, not counting the materials they bring back.
I built all the Exocraft, I love the Submarine, it's totally useful. The others I found to be a disappointment, mostly due that I don't like how they control. I still generally just jetpack around rather than using them. I hope they tweak the controls so they are more fun to use, or maybe installing all the tech and upgrade modules improves them. I haven't used the ExoMech yet since I just got it.
I found a pretty good planet, and started on my base. That stuff is fun. There's ton of modules and gadgets, I'm about halfway done now. A friend got a cool one built around a network of caves, which gave me tons of idea for a next one. This one is just in a very scenic spot.
I still have lots I want to do. I only have 1 starship, I want at least a fighter, I'd liked to get a Living Ship but not sure how to get started on that yet. I still have to locate an exotic ship too.
The amount of time where I feel I do nothing, and make no progress and find out 3-4 hours have passed is ridiculous.
I can't wait to get home and continue the work on my base.