[NO Spoilers] Star Wars: Episode 7 - NO PUSSY SHIT

I have an idea, lets throw astr0creep in the shaw anytime he derails a thread to make it all about 'him'.

He is 'The Least Interesting Man in the World"


Millie's Staff Member
Yeah I'm really jealous I'm not old and fat.
yeah well, that's like your opinion, man.

I have an idea, lets throw astr0creep in the shaw anytime he derails a thread to make it all about 'him'.

He is 'The Least Interesting Man in the World"
oh sorry. i guess you could post in the other star wars7 thread that is falling off the page.
i guess i did troll because i knew yall would be dickheads but i was also optimistic that you people would also share your star wars stories and pics as well. ill bow out now. continue this lively discussion you were having.
there is a RL pic thread for you post your fatness in, your compulsion to shit up discussion threads with attention whoring echoes of Trex level low self esteem.


Irenicus did nothing wrong
Let's see if we can't get this thread back. Joss Whedon would be my pick.

Edit: With Guillermo del Toro as art director.
That combination would be wasted on a Star Wars movie, I'd much rather they have a free reign, creatively speaking, if those two ever worked together.