North Korea goes full retard


Registered Hutt
The middle east isn't quieting down, and NK belongs to a pretty exclusive club of nuclear powers.


Musty Nester
It's usually called back channel diplomacy and you hardly ever hear about it. You read about it in history books.

That's the most bizzare thing to me. Well, ok, the entire thing is bizzare. But Rodman is such a publicity whore. He can't help it at this point. People would follow his ass around even if he wasn't trying to do his own press.

Back channel diplomacy is supposed to be conducted all quiet like. Rodman is more than a little farcical in the role.

Best Korean obviously deserves our Best Diplomat!!


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
North Korea angered by report that said Kim Jong-un praised Hitler, passed out copies of Mein Kampf

Next step: Lumie Alien House.

New Focus International, a news website run by North Korean defectors, said Kim gave some of his officials Hitler's manifesto to mark his own January 8 birthday and praised Hitler's 1930 rebuilding efforts.

"Kim Jong-un gave a lecture to high-ranking officials, stressing that we must pursue the policy . . . in terms of nuclear and economic development," the report quoted a source saying.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
I wish we could somehow pit North Korea against the entire Middle East and have them destroy each other.


Musty Nester
Wouldn't even be a contest. If Seoul was Tel-Aviv we would have already reduced Kim-Jong to ash. Even the camel jockeys would beat him. It would be like the panzers rolling over polish mounted cavalry.

Maybe we should just conquer it by arms and "offer" NK to the palestinians. Sounds like a win/win/win.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Wouldn't even be a contest. If Seoul was Tel-Aviv we would have already reduced Kim-Jong to ash. Even the camel jockeys would beat him. It would be like the panzers rolling over polish mounted cavalry.

Maybe we should just conquer it by arms and "offer" NK to the palestinians. Sounds like a win/win/win.
I'm no weapons expert, but NK does have some sort of nuclear capability, right? The proximity of Seoul from Pyongyang and the fact the NK has the capacity to at least launch a dirty bomb type nuke (if not a more devastating variety by now) greatly limits SK's ability to act. I guess if they started out Tel Aviv then NK would have never reached the capability they have now.