Awanka said:
Awanka here
Quick Question. A good number of years back on the late great Veeshan boards there used to be these long debates between members of Celestial Tomb and a character named "Millie." I can"t remember the fights exactly but they were over stuff like leap-frogging in NToV I think. Was this Millie you or your friend? Just curious. I always thought you were a guy because these posts sounded like they were written by a guy, the way this person argued.
At any rate, I"m not sure which timeline you"re referring to re: Celestial Tomb. For quick reference, my friend Jon -- the original creator of Millie -- played the Millie character in EverQuest from her creation in 1999 until around 2001 or 2002. I played Millie, and posted as Millie on this site, from around 2001/2002 until the present day. There was also a bit of overlap in the 2001-2002 year, which only serves to make things more confusing.
I haven"t participated in any other MMO-themed message boards or sites as Millie. So if you"re seeing "Millie" appearing on Celestial Tomb, or other sites of that nature, chances are it"s either an impersonator, a parody, or simply not me.
I hope that clarifies the matter, though from the sound of things, probably not. :\