Note Millie


Drama aside the guy told a joke and it lasted too long, I bet that"s how he would reasonably explain it. Eventually it got to the point on here if he admitted his sex it would warrant backlash, maybe a small backlash in its infant form, but as the years progress, you just keep it safe and fear the repercussions of the truth.

It"s kind of like Vito turning gay on The Sopranos, and FOH are the guys that stick the plunger up his ass.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Braen said:
HEY! What did I do?!
No doubt +internet trading with Tuco, that fucker has 42 now and I"m pretty sure his own mom would -internet him. This is an outrage.


<Medals Crew>
Hatorade said:
haha Tuco changed his post, and we can"t edit in here so that allows Tuco to abuse the system even more to generate the funny.
Which is exactly what I did...

How in the fuck did I miss this thread?

Sweet, sweet vindication. Drink it in fellas. Never will you see a thread as long in the making or as lovingly crafted. Best thread ever.

Also, since the reinstatement are going around I"d like to request a reinstatement of my account. My last post was quickly deleted by Mr. Mancunt but I believe it was phrased exactly like this," you like....have a penis?" and boom, date ban to be lifted: Never. Crazy fuck even accused me of being banned previously for the same thing(which I"m fairly certain never happened) to justify her bullshit after someone made a thread about unbanning me. Yeah, a whole thread. I"m that cool.

Anyways, I would greatly appreciate being to use my old account if any mod sees fit to give it back to me.


Molten Core Raider
This might be the last chance to get all the evidence in, so I"m reposting a quick exchange I had with the titular figure where she gives her version of events. I don"t see why it couldn"t be true, unless someone has evidence she was a man 2003 onward.

If Millie is a female impersonator, she"s a damn good one. I can sense a mangina in a forum/MMO like dogs can smell fear, and everything about her seemed female, other than her ability to post a well-structured coherent argument, which most women can"t.

Millie said:
Awanka said:
Awanka here
Quick Question. A good number of years back on the late great Veeshan boards there used to be these long debates between members of Celestial Tomb and a character named "Millie." I can"t remember the fights exactly but they were over stuff like leap-frogging in NToV I think. Was this Millie you or your friend? Just curious. I always thought you were a guy because these posts sounded like they were written by a guy, the way this person argued.
At any rate, I"m not sure which timeline you"re referring to re: Celestial Tomb. For quick reference, my friend Jon -- the original creator of Millie -- played the Millie character in EverQuest from her creation in 1999 until around 2001 or 2002. I played Millie, and posted as Millie on this site, from around 2001/2002 until the present day. There was also a bit of overlap in the 2001-2002 year, which only serves to make things more confusing.

I haven"t participated in any other MMO-themed message boards or sites as Millie. So if you"re seeing "Millie" appearing on Celestial Tomb, or other sites of that nature, chances are it"s either an impersonator, a parody, or simply not me.

I hope that clarifies the matter, though from the sound of things, probably not. :\


Molten Core Raider
Dear GOD would you dumb fuckers get a clue? Please? Millie=Jon!! Always has always will. It"s that fucking simple. You are now just trying to invent shit that will make it seem like you weren"t as gullible as you were. WTF... *shakes head*


Molten Core Raider
Camerous said:
Dear GOD would you dumb fuckers get a clue? Please? Millie=Jon!! Always has always will. It"s that fucking simple. You are now just trying to invent shit that will make it seem like you weren"t as gullible as you were. WTF... *shakes head*
Eh, I"ve never cared half as much about Millie"s gender as any of you, and so I haven"t been keeping up on the threads or daily news of Millie errata that yourself and others get excited over. In fact, I"ve been mostly avoiding them. So you"ll have to forgive me if there"s a bunch of stuff I missed. Now that I"m reading through this thread though... it does sound like she was a he. Not that it matters. You sound more agitated than the real Millie. Take some ritalin and calm down. Her "outing" isn"t going to make your life any better.