Note Millie

Lost Ranger_sl

Being one of those bans that "never happened" I would just like to say you can go fuck yourself Millie.

The retarded part about my ban is I was not trolling, I was not attacking Millie, and I wasn"t even part of the main event that caused the shit storm to begin with. He was debating some dumb shit with someone and instead of talking it out or agreeing to disagree he just suspended the guy. A handful of people called bullshit on abusing admin power to end what was seriously not a big deal and we all got bans for it. I can"t speak for everyone who got banned but I know that mine and at least 1 other person received perma bans for doing nothing more then publicly disagreeing with such a childish move. My post was not a troll, it wasn"t disrespectful. Simply didn"t agree with it and that was enough to get removed for good. He lied about this that same night too. He said no one was banned, just a few suspensions. Only way my perma ban got lifted and turned into 2 weeks is because a couple people here on the boards got into PMs with him.

The guy was/is unstable. Him being gone isn"t going to turn these forums into a cesspool. I am pretty sure Ravv won"t stand for kiddy porn and gore on FoH any more then Millie did. If they need more help modding SS I am sure they can grab someone else to handle it. Hopefully someone who wasn"t beat up in high school and wants to take it out on the internets though

Oh, and I think it is funny to see people who firmly had their lips attached to his ass when he went on banning fits suddenly "manning up" in this thread now he is gone. Fucking cowards.


A nice asshole.
We need names and post of these people kissing ass then manning up so we can make fun of them as well.

Lost Ranger_sl

Hatorade said:
We need names and post of these people kissing ass then manning up so we can make fun of them as well.
Impossible sadly. Millie worked hard to make sure there was no paper trail to the crazy. Most threads that ended in bans also ended in deletion. Which he didn"t seem to understand made him look even more guilty.

At this point it would just be alot of he said, she said bullshit which would be a waste of time. Truth be told though you can just start picking names on any page and there is a good chance they puckered on the asshole more then once. The amount of people who stood up or voiced their opinion against his constant abuse of power is very small compared to the number of active posters.


Lost Ranger said:
Impossible sadly. Millie worked hard to make sure there was no paper trail to the crazy. Most threads that ended in bans also ended in deletion. Which he didn"t seem to understand made him look even more guilty.

At this point it would just be alot of he said, she said bullshit which would be a waste of time. Truth be told though you can just start picking names on any page and there is a good chance they puckered on the asshole more then once. The amount of people who stood up or voiced their opinion against his constant abuse of power is very small compared to the number of active posters.
Is this the thread where some guy started a story about not washing his hands in the bathroom at work, and everyone called him dirty, and he got in a pissing match with Millie? And she banned him? And maybe banned other people?

Lost Ranger_sl

Snugglebear said:
Is this the thread where some guy started a story about not washing his hands in the bathroom at work, and everyone called him dirty, and he got in a pissing match with Millie? And she banned him? And maybe banned other people?
That wasn"t me but just another example I guess heh.


Tuco said:
Duppin registered in August 2002.

In September of 2002 he made his first, "This place is going downhill..." thread.
Well, if you look at my regdate he"s probably got a point.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Screamfeeder said:
no no the pacing is all wrong.

There once was a mod named Millie,
Who frequently played with his willy
Some thought her a chick,
Not a cock with a dick
Who"s faker than Milli Vanilli
Hah. I"d internet you again if I could.


Vyemm Raider
There has been no better proof of his delusion than his claim to only banning "a few people" and deleting "a couple of posts." Yeah, riiiiight.


This threads makes all the hours I spent / enjoyed / wasted playing EQ to know about this forum worth it. I assumed that any female toon in EQ was a guy irl, but this is just wow. Too many qualities quotes to quote, thank you to so many of the contributors.

Come home from work, take a tube, figured I would check what was fresh in the FSR and go on about my business. Fell into this rabbit hole, fucking internets man.