Note Millie

Aychamo BanBan

FoghornDeadhorn said:
Apparently some of the people who Millie banned deserved to be banned -- OH MY GOD I DIDN"T REALIZE.

Admit it, Duppin: you had a crush on Millie and are having a hard time processing all of this.
They probably cybered once!
While we"re at it, can I get my original GrobbeeTrull account unbanned? I was also a victim of the Millie ban-hammer, except he was just pissy that day and banned me for apologizing to him.


Well, it looks as though the FoH circlejerk has beat Duppin into submission. Well, fuck that, Millie may be crazy, but the majority of you in the circlejerk are just butthurt that you got banned for being a faggot troll. WB to those that have been resurrected!

Duppin has, in a very unconfrontational and articulate way brought up valid points and has, as expected, been accused of being Millie, sucking Millie"s cock, and being a moron. Way to go guys, highfive!

Ravvenn said:
Should you even disagree with him you were banned
At the very least, I have to take issue with this outright exaggeration. I have debated Millie in a few threads, and even been mildly insulting, and not been banned. If you want a good example of this, go read the Ben Stein Expelled thread.

It is going to be very interesting the direction this site takes without the specter of Millie"s banhammer hovering over people"s heads. The other mods may do just as great a job removing the shitting-dick-nipples, cp, and general asshattery, but as Requiem and others have acknowledged, Millie did a superb job of keeping people in check.
God, all I did was say "You know, honestly, Millie was actually male; furthermore he misused his mod powers at times," and you and Duppin both told me to stick a pineapple up my asshole.

Yes, two can play this game, Mr. Bond.


Silver Squire
Tarrant220 said:
The hell? People have said over and over Millie had a positive effect in ways on the forums, but at this point I think the fact that she was confirmed to be a he (like we didn"t know) and that he was bat shit insane has out weighed whatever positives they contributed to the community.
I have to agree. Millie contributed nothing positive to the community, because in the background, he was part of the downward spiral. Who knows what else he might be responsible for with dummy accounts?

His tactics are the worst. He fabricates issues or creates problems for him to fix, and then goes on to say the community would be trash if he wasn"t here? I always took what he said at face value, since they were so well written, and seemed to be grounded in logic. I guess anything can seem logical if the opposition is banned and can"t defend themselves. Now that these PM"s are surfacing it all looks like some sick game.


I can"t find the thread it happened in or the post, but I remember saying something like "Wait a minute, I thought you were a guy?" once and Millie responded back rather politely with something along the lines of "no, and stop bringing that up."

These are avatars anyhow, take what people say behind them with a grain of salt or two.


Yeah Foghorn, you were a perfectly proper gentleman throughout this entire thread. Tally ho!

Admit it, Duppin: you had a crush on Millie and are having a hard time processing all of this.
It"s not...about...his dumb fuck.
Try to get it through your thick fucking skull. Millie abused his powers, and modifying rep is the LEAST of the ways in which he did it.
However, if you do shove a pineapple up your ass, could you write FoHSS on it and post pics?


Arakkis said:
Well, it looks as though the FoH circlejerk has beat Duppin into submission. Well, fuck that, Millie may be crazy, but the majority of you in the circlejerk are just butthurt that you got banned for being a faggot troll. WB to those that have been resurrected!
The thing is, Duppin was questioning the extent of Millie"s "craziness" and not the fact that Millie was doing a lot of good of regulating the boards. Case in point: his argument that multiple people had access to Millie"s account.

Duppin has, in a very unconfrontational and articulate way brought up valid points and has, as expected, been accused of being Millie, sucking Millie"s cock, and being a moron. Way to go guys, highfive!
Honestly, what points has he brought up that most people on here didn"t already agree upon?

At the very least, I have to take issue with this outright exaggeration. I have debated Millie in a few threads, and even been mildly insulting, and not been banned. If you want a good example of this, go read the Ben Stein Expelled thread.
I agree. I had an argument with Millie regarding the music industry. I think you"re taking that comment too literally, though. On these boards, you could call anyone any sort of name imaginable, Furor and the other "big names" included. You wouldn"t get banned for calling Furor a homo (in the context of a discussion), but you would more than likely be ridiculed and rickshawed for your efforts.

Saying anything in the "spirit" of FOH towards Millie was tempting fate, which is what bugged a LOT of people on here.
Arakkis said:
Yeah Foghorn, you were a perfectly proper gentleman throughout this entire thread. Tally ho!

However, if you do shove a pineapple up your ass, could you write FoHSS on it and post pics?
Those quotes are not from me; I do not resort to base vulgarity.


Well, I don"t read every post here - I go off of what I see and what I"m told. While you may be an exception along with our popular users who would easily have their lack of presence noticed - many bans went under the radar for much less. I"m sure one of the "followers" can find an old example, I"ve been using the search feature all day to make sure I don"t unban someone who actually deserved to be banned, so I"m not up for checking. There were more more bad things done than good after I actually took the time to check. I probably should have used better wording to say "in some cases" or something, so for that I will apologize.

I can say the same thing as you, I wasn"t banned either. I don"t know, dude. I"ve tried to think long and hard (a little pun there) about what triggered all of it and I can"t come up with anything. In some cases people don"t realize there were friendships established offline, parties attended, etc. I won"t sabotage my friendships in order to maintain some bizarre internet celebrity status. I guess others have no problems doing so. I ampositiveMillie did a lot of good things here, no-one in their right mind would debate that. He just decided to randomly pick whoever he wanted to and get rid of them.

Regardless, I"ve stooped pretty low here and I"m going to step out of it now. Digging into it doesn"t make me any better and in some cases, I think it makes me worse. I"m hoping we can keep things going uphill from now and I"ll probably be on the hunt for someone to "manage" the Screenshot Forum as I"m not really fond of doing that myself (sorry). Edit: Nevermind, apparently he wasn"t the one moderating that anyway!

I have to agree. Millie contributed nothing positive to the community, because in the background, he was part of the downward spiral. Who knows what else he might be responsible for with dummy accounts?
I think he did, actually. Millie was one of the most intelligent posters we"ve had. While he may be completely insane, it doesn"t mean he did not contribute a LOT to these forums. He"s a hell of a lot smarter than I am. I don"t think his dummy accounts were checked on, and he has way too many IP addresses for me to be sure I got every account of his. I doubt he"s plotting our deaths or anything, so I"m not going out of my way to push him out of here. To be honest, I"d like him to just make a new identity and go back to posting like he did when having normal discussions.


Millie's Staff Member
yeah i didnt mind Millie as a poster when he didnt have a knife to my throat so i watched every thing i said and never reffered to him as a he instead of a she. i refused to do that becuase i fucking knew he was a guy and i dont play that RP shit. if you"re a dude then you"re a dude. simple as that. i ended up referring to millie by name never as a certain gender. as in "ill have to ask Millie later becuase Millie would know about Millies plans."


Thanks Ravvenn, that was very generous. I don"t envy your job at all and think that whatever suck- that is to say, responsible, goal oriented person you guys get to mod SS may be driven just as insane.

I have made a career here on FoH of going against the mob mentality that too often occurs and my internets have clearly suffered the fallout. However, if more people would stop and think before getting caught up in the mad rush to agree with everyone else, I think the post quality would greatly improve.

Astrocreep: I have been too confused by this thread to ever use a pronoun to describe Millie again.
I don"t think it makes you worse, Ravvenn; we needed to see that. Many of us have been hatefully tip-toeing around the issue for too long. I agree with most of what you said, though. Millie was, indeed, a major positive contributor to the boards, and I totally understood the position that "board management" was in. It"s unfortunate that it had to end like this rather than end by Millie agreeing to stop being a psycho, but that might have been asking too much.

Millie hadso muchinvested in this whole mangina thing by the time the Hoofshots thing settled down that there really was no going back. It ended up being pretty lose-lose.

Millie did a lot of dirty shit as a mod and a lot of good posters suffered for it. He also did a lot of good work, and I think few in this thread would honestly debate that. In the end, the boards won"t be much different when he"s gone; people have this shit out of their systems now, I think. I know a mod or two who are still hovering over the button when the "Post Reported" bat signal lights up.