Note Millie


Requiem said:
I"m pretty sure that Godwin"s law has to be invoked before a thread is truly ready for the halls.
But only if that law is pertinent to the thread at large. The only way for this to be possible is for Millie to be Tom Cruise IRL.


Azrayne said:
Hey whatever, I"m just saying that usually a vagina is a prerequisite for that level of crazy. I"m happy to concede that I haven"t been here as long as most people so I"m probably missing a lot of background, but this thread has made for good reading none the less. A+ would lol again.
Nope. 95% of the craziest fuckers I"ve ever had the displeasure of dealing with in MMO"s were male. Genuine crazy women were the easiest to spot and deal with.

Some say meth is the world"s most dangerous drug.

It is not.

Manginameth is a drug that envelops the user in a shroud of comfort and acceptance with the soothing aroma of far-eastern incense wafting in the breeze, coupled with a delicious salt bath of delicate lilac scented notes presented in a vessel of glowing earth tones and handcrafted in a small town in Italy.

Manginameth, the most dangerous drug on Earth to everyone that does not enjoy Futa.


Millie's Staff Member
I guess Mr Millie will never show his face here again now but it would have been nice if he explained why he was so fucking sensitive about playing a female char where he would ban people for even suggesting he wasnt really a chick in RL. ive played manginas for 7 years as alts or main characters and i always tell people im a dude so they dont all start acting like faggots. it gets all that shit out of the way and i dont have to pretend or anything.

i would guess Millie RPd a bit too much and had to convince certain people he was a she or else he would get kicked out of FoH ,but they knew he was a dude from day 1. he would log into foh IRC and join the smacktalk with the rest of us guys, talking about pussy and whatnot . so i have no fucking clue what drove him to do this.

on a unrelated note. does anyone ever talk to Ophelia FOH anymore? back in EQ days she (im guessing she was a real she) and i were pretty close and chatted in server chat most of the night. we had a stephen king dark tower channel and it was fun as hell to post theories on the last books during one of those gay PoP raids.


Molten Core Raider
Astrocreep said:
I guess Mr Millie will never show his face here again now but it would have been nice if he explained why he was so fucking sensitive about playing a female char where he would ban people for even suggesting he wasnt really a chick in RL. ive played manginas for 7 years as alts or main characters and i always tell people im a dude so they dont all start acting like faggots. it gets all that shit out of the way and i dont have to pretend or anything.

i would guess Millie RPd a bit too much and had to convince certain people he was a she or else he would get kicked out of FoH ,but they knew he was a dude from day 1. he would log into foh IRC and join the smacktalk with the rest of us guys, talking about pussy and whatnot . so i have no fucking clue what drove him to do this.

on a unrelated note. does anyone ever talk to Ophelia FOH anymore? back in EQ days she (im guessing she was a real she) and i were pretty close and chatted in server chat most of the night. we had a stephen king dark tower channel and it was fun as hell to post theories on the last books during one of those gay PoP raids.
Do you mean Otavia? If so, feel free to keep on believing he"s a she.


Astrocreep said:
I guess Mr Millie will never show his face here again now but it would have been nice if he explained why he was so fucking sensitive about playing a female char where he would ban people for even suggesting he wasnt really a chick in RL. ive played manginas for 7 years as alts or main characters and i always tell people im a dude so they dont all start acting like faggots. it gets all that shit out of the way and i dont have to pretend or anything.

i would guess Millie RPd a bit too much and had to convince certain people he was a she or else he would get kicked out of FoH ,but they knew he was a dude from day 1. he would log into foh IRC and join the smacktalk with the rest of us guys, talking about pussy and whatnot . so i have no fucking clue what drove him to do this.

on a unrelated note. does anyone ever talk to Ophelia FOH anymore? back in EQ days she (im guessing she was a real she) and i were pretty close and chatted in server chat most of the night. we had a stephen king dark tower channel and it was fun as hell to post theories on the last books during one of those gay PoP raids.


Millie's Staff Member
Faille said:
Do you mean Otavia? If so, feel free to keep on believing he"s a she.
lol Otavia yeah, its been 6 years since i talked to "her", no i never had online sex0r or anything with her but always thought she was a real she.

see , this is why i always act like all in game femmes are dudes because most of the time they friggin are. anyway last i talked to O he was studying to be or was a teacher, if you talk to him just say Chukzombi said hey whats up.


30-35y/o female teacher who likes to jog was the story as I recall. Closet case, got outed one epic night in IRC when a drunken friend in the dorm who was not privy to the hoax started talking in #fires.

To his credit, there is no known instances of cybering men. I was friends with him before and after the incident.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Snugglebear said:
This could still be a trap and the banhammer shall fall with great fury.
This is nothing but a trap by Req, Rav and Millie to engage in the Great Retard Purge of 2009. When the bans start flying, its gonna be so epic that one day we"ll be telling our Grandkids about it.

This is nothing but a plot by "the man" to hold us down.


The end of an era, this.

Goodbye, Millie.

While I might appear to be a 2007/8, I had an account from long ago that I lost long before Gmail came along...

...long forgot, those details, of loves and accounts long lost, some forgotten.

Goodbye, Millie.

Goodbye, my Millie...mine and mine own, only, hence this song.

YouTube - Billy Joel - And So It Goes


Lyrical said:
This is nothing but a trap by Req, Rav and Millie to engage in the Great Retard Purge of 2009. When the bans start flying, its gonna be so epic that one day we"ll be telling our Grandkids about it.

This is nothing but a plot by "the man" to hold us down.
Paranoid much?


Mr. Poopybutthole
Elerion said:
Did Tuco just own you?
Maybe we can change the focus of this thread and go from one power mad mod named Millie to another power mad mod named Tuco.



<Medals Crew>
Lyrical said:
Maybe we can change the focus of this thread and go from one power mad mod named Millie to another power mad mod named Tuco.

HEY! What did I do?!