Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
What's the source for this? Certainly nothing I've ever read and I've seen quite a few stories about what JJ Abrams has said was on each characters minds during the bridge scene in TFA. Why otherwise would Han go into a bridge to chat with rando NuVader?
It's a dig. But I want to clarify It doesn't mean scenes weren't shot with that in mind-- however, you have to remember it was all out of order with reshoots. It's quite possible that Kylo Ren was written as Han's son the entire time but they wanted to keep it a secret from the production.
There's a scene with Leia and Han where Carrie Fisher was never given an opportunity to react to Han mentioning their son. In the same vein as ESB, where George kept certain lines of dialogue out to maintain secrecy-- you could argue JJ was just doing the same thing to protect "plot secrets"
Here's the problem that the TFA footage will show: The scene was fully created in post, without any indication they intended to shoot the scene at all. Ex. a behind the head camera angle of Han Solo's head close-up with Carrie blurry and out of focus so he can deliver the post-production lines and they can be inserted into the scene. This is in the actual TFA movie.
What this means is Carrie Fisher was never given an opportunity to actually react to Han Solo mentioning Kylo Ren as their son in that scene. It was kept out, whether for "plot secrets" sake, or otherwise. If you know anything about acting, then you have heard "ACTING IS REACTING".
You can't react if there's no scene to react to.
JJ Abrams is a fucking hack. And I'll get that source up for you with the relevant TFA scenes later.