Oh man, hogs get slaughtered.Just bought around 30k worth of Marathon and Conoco Phillips ! Someone sacrifice a tree to the oil gods for me please.
Unfortunately trueSo all this talk about the "storage tanks filling up" and a price crash down to $30 turned out to be a bunch of hot air. I bet ya when Goldman Sachs was telling everyone to sell sell at $40 oil cause storage was about to hit capacity they were backing up the trucks and buying the quality producers for the next run to $100 in a couple years time. Usually how these things work.
Yea I'll hold this for a few years so I don't want to try to time the market. I'm just looking and it's at its lowest point in 5 years. It might go down more... might not. Guess we'll see. I could just plow more into VGHAX which has been paying like crazy for years, but just trying to spread it around.If I had that kind of cash and chose that MF, I'd be more inclined to go in $50,000 at a time, or less depending what vanguard rules are for it, especially of you think oil/energy still has a ways to go.
then again that's basically trying to time the market but whatever, just a thought.