Ossoi’s Diesel Lamentation, Insulin & Domination thread - a sub AMA or ODLIDTASAMA for short


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
The big difference between us is I know how to shut up about something. You don't seem to have that capability.

That is incorrect and inaccurate because I've heeded the warning that was issued and it was restricted solely to one thread which I specifically sought permission to make.

You delight in reminding us at every opportunity about your degeneracy


🌭🍔🇺🇦✌️SLAVA UKRAINI!✌️🇺🇦🍔🌭
<Gold Donor>
That is incorrect and inaccurate because I've heeded the warning that was issued and it was restricted solely to one thread which I specifically sought permission to make.

You delight in reminding us at every opportunity about your degeneracy
I've never once posted my fursona on these forums, rarely post furry art, much less than many other people on the forum. Generally only talk about anything furry if someone else asks me or brings it up first. And I've explicitly said I have no interest in creating a thread to detail my interests.

However, when I say know to shut up about something, I don't mean containing your degeneracy only. You make those huge ass manessa posts. It's just like... why bro? Why be so angry and autistic. Anyways I'll peace out.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
I won't take psychological evaluations from a degenerate furry.

Although that is actually another good example of how I'm perceived. There are multiple degenerates who are open about their furry bestiality fetish but my lips have to remain sealed about certain other topics.

What if I told you that none of this had anything to do with any fetishes you have?

Like with Furry Furry I think we've butted heads a lot, but it's been in threads like the Ukraine thread, over random topics and posts. Not because he's a furry.

I think I threw the furry thing up to him once or twice (I was probably in a mood) but generally speaking I've tried to avoid letting that color the perception I have of his posts. Overall it doesn't affect me and I really just DGAF.

Same with you. You're not in the 'Shaw because of your fetishes. You're in the Shaw because of how you relate to other people on the Forum. Even when people aren't looking for a fight with you, it seems like more often than not things get turned into a fight. Just saying.

Calling you 'autistic' seems to be something that really chaps your ass (pun not intended, LOL) but if we're being honest, at least half of the people on these forums are somewhere on the spectrum, you know? ANd that includes me, too. But I've never felt like I need to definitively state that "I'm not autistic", if I felt the need to even respond in the first place?

But I'm probably going to try Noping out of here too, like Furry did, because I dunno what more is to be gained here at this point.


Potato del Grande
200w (2).gif


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Calling you 'autistic' seems to be something that really chaps your ass (pun not intended, LOL) but if we're being honest, at least half of the people on these forums are somewhere on the spectrum, you know? ANd that includes me, too. But I've never felt like I need to definitively state that "I'm not autistic", if I felt the need to even respond in the first place?

Secondly, look at how long the dog fucker meme and "autistic" meme have persisted. I really don't give a fuck, it's water off a dogs back. I embrace the dog fucker stuff because it just shows that people who genuinely think I fucked a dog aren't as smart as they think they are .

(plus the "I am not autistic" reply is multi layered (like most of my schtick) because only an actual autistt would feel the need to deny they're autistic every time they get called autistic)

Nothing here chaps my ass. That's the point - most of us come here to let off steam. People can shit post at me all they want, I take it as banter. The issue is when I banter back some people get butthurt.

I assume that every time someone says I'm autistic they are playing along because they know I'll continue the joke cycle by saying "I am not autistic"

I am not autistic


Potato del Grande
People can shit post at me all they want, I take it as banter. The issue is when I banter back some people get butthurt.
You have to be friends to banter, when they despise you that's when you are a lolcow to be disgarded when the joke gets old.

It's not 2006 anymore and the Everquest guys are in their 40s at least with responsibilities, this shit isn't worth their time, they just want to chill and shoot the shit with their buddies.

I hope I realised this before it's too late, it may already be too late for me, I don't think that you will.
  • 1Picard
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Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
"Now, you could 100% believe that wrestling is fake. But you could also intentionally troll the guy by haranguing him about it, you know? Just to fuck with him, or to get a reaction out of him. And then afterwards, try covering your ass by saying "But I can't be trolling, because it's what I really BELIEVE!!"."

Erronius Erronius

This is a shitty example because wrestling is fake / pre-determined - or however else you want to describe it.

If someone was adamant that it wasn't fake, or tried to defend it as a legit sport etc and SWIM made sure to constantly reply with examples debunking its authenticity - like quotes from wrestlers, executives etc etc but that person still refused to change his mind - then that absolutely isn't trolling.

If multiple people then started rounding on the person saying it's fake, complaining he's fagging up the thread etc and appealing to AMOD to thread ban them and perhaps succeeding then that is pure faggotry and those people are pathetic

As another example, I might think that "Gender Affirming Care" for minors is morally corrupt and would allow children to be surgically mangled or chemically scarred with hormone blockers, before they're competent enough to even form an actual opinion for themselves as an adult. But if I logged into Facebook and decided to fuck with a bunch of pro-Trans groups, just to elicit a reaction? That'd definitely be trolling.

I once had an account on Mumsnet which was originally a Mothers forum famous for nonsense threads "my darling hubby complains I spend four hours taking a shit, am I wrong?" etc but in recent years has become famous for being vehemently gender-critical aka against trans women in womens spaces etc. They are also very vocal with "we are pro free speech" when they get criticism from the woke/trans mob for being anti-trans

I went into their feminist forums and just presented the other side of the argument on issues like the pay gap etc. I wasn't "trolling" - I was calm, rational and logical but when you have 10 people at once all replying to you and you then reply to all 10 to debunk them, then it's easy to get marked as a "troll"

Likewise on the tech forum that Chris Chris referred to, that forum in recent years has become notorious for veering very far left whilst claiming to be open to both sides of the spectrum. I wasn't a "troll" - I had been on there for 20 years just in the AV section before deciding to check out the politics section. Again, calm, rational, counter points to the woke nonsense made it easy to get highlighted as a troll


Potato del Grande
"I'm not a troll"

"I once had an account on Mumsnet"

Only one can be true. Why would you have an account on a discussion forum for MOTHERS.


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
"I'm not a troll"

"I once had an account on Mumsnet"

Only one can be true. Why would you have an account on a discussion forum for MOTHERS.

But I didn't go there to troll

I'm not a hi-fi, it didn't stop me joining a hifi forum


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
"I'm not a troll"

"I once had an account on Mumsnet"

Only one can be true. Why would you have an account on a discussion forum for MOTHERS.

There's a flip side to that coin. They can't claim to be pro free speech because they are home to many "terfs" whilst banning people for rationally and calmly debunking the pay gap

Look at how I calmly, rationally and logically debunked all the "carbs make you fat" and "fasting is a super power" retards in the weight loss thread. Only a moron would see that and think I'm a troll