OUTRIVAL: The Game I'm Making


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<Bronze Donator>
Hey guys, I've been making a game and just wanted to show it off after 1 year of dev time.
This is considered a hobby since I'm 1 dude trying to make a large multiplayer game in my spare time.
Estimated time of release is currently set at pre-Pantheon.
Hoping next year to have something (pre-alpha) running on a Dedicated server where people can start running around.

big world team strategy

Think the board game Risk but you (and a team) are the units on the map, the goal is to capture territory, pushing back the opponents until eventual elimination.
The idea is to take a huge map similar to Battle Royale games, but break it up into captureable tiles.

Below is the the map (The Battlefield), it took 3 months to get to this point, I consider it far from complete.

To avoid straining my time on art assets I'm currently utilizing the free Paragon assets for the player characters.
Much of my design decisions are laid out on the website.

Disclaimer: I've only ever played games, this is my first time trying to make one. It's been nearly 1 year of development using my very scarce free time.



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Vyemm Raider
Cool concept.

Waaaaaay back when it was first announced this is kinda what i thought Shadowbane was going to be (except more persistent). You might check out what worked (and didn't work) from that when youre trying to think of ways players might break your game.
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How long is a game supposed to be and what do you have in mind for the capture of territory and push back of the opponents? Is it like, say, PlanetSide?


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
How long is a game supposed to be and what do you have in mind for the capture of territory and push back of the opponents? Is it like, say, PlanetSide?
I never played planetside, so maybe?

I want game times to be in the 30-45min area.

For the pushing/ pulling , if a tile isn't adjoined by an enemy tile, it enters a defensive state where enemy players will take damage over time if within the bounds . Similar to storm circles in BR games, to funnel players naturally toward battle lines.

I'm contemplating "natural death" mechanics to push games to a finale faster, but nothing concrete yet. Not too concerned on this until something is playable

For capturing, right now everything is capture points.. 3 per tile, control all 3 to claim a tile.

Victory mechanics right now are planned as whatever happens first: eliminate all opponents or capture x% of territory.

The intent is 4 teams in a match with a team size somewhere between 12 and 20

nice man, keep us updated, and don't be afraid to ask for opinions :)

Thanks! I will post updates, I'll also take opinions, no matter how harsh. Everyone here has a lot of strong opinions on games so maybe I can learn something. :)
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How do players eliminate opponents? Are we talking first person shooter type of actions?

I never played PlanetSide, but you might want to check how it worked. It was a persistent game though, so I am not sure how the territory back and forth worked exactly. I am sure some people on the board played it for a while and could educate us on the matter.


<Bronze Donator>
How do players eliminate opponents? Are we talking first person shooter type of actions?

I never played PlanetSide, but you might want to check how it worked. It was a persistent game though, so I am not sure how the territory back and forth worked exactly. I am sure some people on the board played it for a while and could educate us on the matter.

when i think Planetscape knowledge i think mkopec mkopec


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
How do players eliminate opponents? Are we talking first person shooter type of actions?

I never played PlanetSide, but you might want to check how it worked. It was a persistent game though, so I am not sure how the territory back and forth worked exactly. I am sure some people on the board played it for a while and could educate us on the matter.

It's third person more similar to Smite but able to select a "build" like GuildWars. Abilities will be similar to Overwatch... some hit scan, some projectile, some aoe/ targeted, etc


<Gold Donor>
Territory control was in links. So if you had other territory that had a link to the one you wanted to attack you were good. Players got around through the use of portals to your own territories or you could spawn in drop ships or land vehicles had spawns on them too. Attackers had to use either drop ships or land vehicles with a spawn to attack. The territories themselves were varied but most had points you had to take, point A, point B point C, etc, then when you took them all, if memory serves, you had a 3 min countdown until territory became yours. The territories themselves varied, some easy to take and some hard, it also went on a system of influence, so if your republic had tons of territotry around the area you wanted to take, it was easier to take.(less time after all points are taken) The more territory you controlled the more resources you got to spawn shit like land vehicles, tanks, planes, etc... The major points were amp stations, bio labs, tech stations.

While a territory is connected to the allied warpgate via the lattice, it receives the following benefits.
  • Allied players in adjacent territories can spawn in the base.
  • It can be chosen for Reinforcements, allowing allied players to spawn from anywhere.
  • Allied players within the territory receive benefits from major facilities.
If a base is connected to an Amp Station, Bio Lab, or Tech Plant via the lattice, it receives the following benefits based on which facilities it is connected to.
  • Amp Station - Phalanx Turrets slowly repair themselves when damaged.
  • Bio Lab - Allied players slowly regenerate health when out of combat.
  • Tech Plant - Air and Ground Terminals can be used to spawn Liberators and main battle tanks, respectively.
Territories that are not connected via lattice to the allied warpgate do not count towards territory counts, such as those required to win alerts.


Its a bit more complicated than that but thats the overview.

Later on they added more continents and alerts which were really fun. Once Warpgates are charged (and only when they are charged,) the first faction to reach 41% territory control will trigger a Meltdown Alert. Whichever faction has the most territory control at the end of the 1 hour and 30 minute alert will claim victory over the continent. And then another continent will unlock to fight for. You get bonuses for controlling an entire continent.
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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
So was planetside persistent or match based? Sounds cool, I shoulda played it.


Musty Nester
It's a lot of work and it would be easy to shit on you (nothing specifically about your idea, just in general) but I really do wish you the best with it.

Make something fun!

Some of the most fun games are hot messes, so don't let that dissuade you.
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<Gold Donor>
So was planetside persistent or match based? Sounds cool, I shoulda played it.
It is persistent. they did have shit for the casuals though like a button you hit and it would auto land you into a contested combat zone if you just wanted a fight for 30 min. Or you could always join a platoon, most were public and had like 48 people in them? They all had leadership which also had leader discord channnels so they could all coordinate together, especially during an alert. It was actually pretty damn cool. By a few days or a week you got to know the guilds in your faction and some of the leaders. You just join the platoon and they told you what to attack and where to go. I played Vanu mostly and they were pretty good at the alerts. But the Tarren republic had the most people I think, but their leadership kinda sucked. It mostly ended up being the 2 factions teaming us because the vanu were fucking their shit up all the time. At least back when I played.

Some fights were fucking epic. Air shit, tanks, infantry(which I liked the best) like 100 vs 100 at times. And sometimes the third faction woud come to fuck with the both of us fighting.

Sometimes it was boring though, the term "redeployside" was more than accurate. Where they would have you redeploy every 5 min to help take a base or help protect one during alerts.
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All labs matter!
I think it’s cool you posted it. Please keep this thread updated. It looks good!
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marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
Digging the concept, definitely continue to update this thread
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AssHat Taint
<Medals Crew>
This is awesome.

What kind of gifs will motivate you? Falling gifs are already spoken for. Flying? You tell us.
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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Videos of some Early Abilities:

Note on Abilities: I'm utilizing the Gameplay Ability System plugin for UE4 which is the system Epic developed for FortNite & Paragon. Abilities are mostly fully ready for network/multiplayer play.

Projectile abilities have been the greatest headache to develop, so naturally I have been developing them first. Below are a few examples.

Gideon is a purveyor of Dark Magic, this Ability "Infinite Power" hits for more damage each successive attack on the same target. Power resets after a few seconds.
Gideon is intended to be highly lethal, damage grows quickly. (7 --> 24 --> 32 --> 59 currently shown in the video). This ability is suitable for downing beefy targets where stacks can grow easily.

2 abilities here:
Flaming Arrow: single target attack that ignites the enemy, dealing damage over time for a few seconds. Has higher drop time from Gravity then most other arrows.

Piercing Arrow: Pierces through targets (up to 3), dealing greater damage for each successive target hit. Maybe makes sense the first targets take more damage, but then positioning to hit multiple targets wouldn't be as meaningful.

Muriel's abilities are "energy" based, and some will have a "lock on" or "homing" mechanism as seen here. Muriel is intended to be a support/defensive character. Her damaging abilities will be more forgiving.
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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Small update that actually has taken me all week, and still a Work in Progress:

Area of Effect projectile abilities.

3 projectiles shown:

1.) Standard AoE "thrown" projectile, will mimic this to create grenades & stuff for Soldier type classes.

2.) Meteor "Ultimate" ability - supposed to be a long cooldown (1min), doing a lot of damage in a very large area. This projectile is missing some parts : sound while it approaches & ground-assisted targeting reticule to assist in aiming. Right now there's a "debug" reticule you can see (green lines/sphere), this will be replaced with a target reticule on the ground to show the impact point.
2a.) Meteor as seen from another character (Muriel).

3.) Homing projectile with AoE tacked on. Can mimic this to create rockets, missiles, etc

Development notes:
The characters left standing (from the meteor) in the video are on the same team as the caster, and take 0 damage.

Multiplayer makes everything take at least 5x longer to develop.

A main challenge for these abilities was replicating the particle effects. AoE abilities can have a lot more effects involved: initial cast, during flight, explosion, individual hit effect(character) & more.

The Meteor ability had some unique challenges in where it spawned. I wanted the "caster" to see the ability. I could have spawned it vertically above impact point, or above the character's head, or made it a short-range effect.. But instead I opted to try for something "bigger".
Right now you select a target point on the ground and the projectile will spawn 200 meters from there (in the direction the caster is looking) + 100 meters high in the sky, and it'll fly toward the impact point. It can detonate earlier if it hits something along the way, which I intend to change slightly. Right now a single character can "detonate" the ability prior to it reaching the destination, I'm going to change this so it almost always reaches the impact point and will damage targets in its path.

That's all for now.
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