Outward (PC/Xbox/PS4 Survival RPG Mar-26)


Lord Nagafen Raider
So after a few days of playing what do you guys think now? I am intrigued by the comments about it feeling like EQ. I wouldn’t mind that. Do you roam around looking for rare spawns or named monsters with good loot, etc?


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
I picked it up last night but haven’t gotten a chance to play it yet. I briefly watched a random YouTube review and they said it was like a long lost MMORPG from the early 2000s. That sold me on it lol


Lord Nagafen Raider
I picked it up last night but haven’t gotten a chance to play it yet. I briefly watched a random YouTube review and they said it was like a long lost MMORPG from the early 2000s. That sold me on it lol
Exactly! We probably watched the same review. Wanted to confirm with someone here that it is true.
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<Bronze Donator>
Either my GF and I suck or this game is hard haha. Have only played a couple hours so far but it's mostly been a string of failure.


Avatar of War Slayer
So after a few days of playing what do you guys think now? I am intrigued by the comments about it feeling like EQ. I wouldn’t mind that. Do you roam around looking for rare spawns or named monsters with good loot, etc?
Its not an mmo. My comparison would be zelda meets morrowind. I see alot of "gothic" as well.

The more I play, the more I like it. Also more immersed, and stressed out while playing. This game is half out of a time capsule. so unforgiving. The auto-save, no save-scumming. whew.
On top of that a timer system for quests. often hidden. and real consequences. Like, a big spoiler. When the say you need to kill the bandit lords to save the town. the MEAN it. and those bandits will not sit around forever while you go off hunting bear asses.

There are no quest markers. Directions are vague and you best take notes. The map shows overworld, and general locations, towns. But doesnt show where YOU are. Got to pay attention to the lay of the land. Inside dungeons. no map.

there is alot of design here, not seen in games in a while. But its not mmo design.

This guy has two vids for starter, and combat. Very good watches.

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Ssraeszha Raider
Played it for about an hour and it felt dated as hell. Probably a lot better co-op, but doubt i can convince any of my friends to spend their time/money on this


Trakanon Raider
I'm early in the game, but I'm enjoying it so far. More than anything, it feels like one of the Gothic games with the Skyrim Frostfall mod built into it, with combat that feels like if the Gothic devs tried to make Dark Souls combat--so eurojank out the ass, but it works well enough. And the feeling that every time you leave the village is an expedition is really nice. Haven't touched magic yet--which is something I'm really looking forward to--but making my way to the leyline is next on my list.


<Bronze Donator>
I hope a descent studio picks these guys up and just improve on some of the minor things in this for the sequel if they make one.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
I'm early in the game, but I'm enjoying it so far. More than anything, it feels like one of the Gothic games with the Skyrim Frostfall mod built into it, with combat that feels like if the Gothic devs tried to make Dark Souls combat--so eurojank out the ass, but it works well enough. And the feeling that every time you leave the village is an expedition is really nice. Haven't touched magic yet--which is something I'm really looking forward to--but making my way to the leyline is next on my list.

Utnayan and I found magic completely at random. After we found the very disappointing hyena cave. I foresee us losing the farm but fuck it. Who needs that shit!
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Trakanon Raider
Utnayan and I found magic completely at random. After we found the very disappointing hyena cave. I foresee us losing the farm but fuck it. Who needs that shit!
Keeping the house is actually easier than you'd think (I freely admit I spoiled myself on how this is done, but whatever).

You remember the village elder NPC saying you can either pay the money, or get a tribal favor? If you go to the beach immediately south of the village (either by going to the village's storage tunnel, or just by turning right when you leave the village) you'll find an injured guy by a rock. Give him a bandage or a life potion, and bam, there's your tribal favor. Housing crisis over.

I got my mana in my last play session, and so far, magic feels very powerful, but it's very much something for emergencies--in the early game, at least. Mana's not a problem, I've got mana for days, but the components for sigils are just rare enough/cost-prohibitive enough that magic needs to be saved for special occasions. That said, in a game where combat so far has been about slowly chipping away at health bars, being able to drop a fucker in two fireballs is very satisfying.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Utnayan Utnayan and I being total pussies trying to go through the Magic Cave was pretty hilarious though. Trying to single pull shit lol. But we made it! Once we got the polearms we wrecked those weird monsters.

I think this game is much more enjoyable if you don't try to learn shit from third parties. Just try and figure it out. That said this game does have a lot of problems. But it has strengths that are just great if you are looking for something off the beaten path and far away from what are today's mainstream game design tropes.

8/10. Worth a play for the above.
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Avatar of War Slayer
I dont know. I look at the reddit forum, and... holy shit is there stuff that is just "wtf?". super mega hidden shit/questlines/easter eggs. or, obscure mechanics you would 100%miss unless they are pointed out to you.

like the hidden timers on certain quests having game changing/ending consequences. technically nothing ends. but spoilers. towns can be destroyed, and your house/belongings with them.. Thats not something I would want to find out first hand..

or like, this streamer. he's... kindof bad at the game. And I don't think hes having much fun, because hes just getting his ass handed to him, not understanding any of the mechanics.


Avatar of War Slayer
I had an adventure last night.

I've been dicking around the starting area, without joining a faction.
I decided to raid the bandit forts. Montcalm, the north one was easy enough. Bandit camp also, although I 100% ran away, from the thing in the cage inside... Need to go back and try it. I was not ready for the fight when it came out. And, now can't even be prepared, as it'll probably aggro on me as I enter..

But Vendeval fortress was shenangians.. I got cocky, and tried to fight a captain or something in plate armor, with a tower shield outside. zigged, when I should have zagged, and got taken down. enslaved. The mechanic for that is a bit silly,. Since you can just easily, chat with the guards, be let into the kitchen and hospice... and collect all your weapons and armor...
Can even just pay off, to get out for 30s.. but nah, I decided to fight my way out. Derped that badly, fighting 1v2, etc. took a couple tries. Then failed again, fighting the ninja up the stairs. again, a close fight, but got locked into a bad attack animation, and whiffed.
This time they threw me out the hole.

But there is a "bug"? your backpack doesn't spawn with you. At the time, I thought it was back inside. So I went back to town, grabbed my old backpack, geared back up, and set off to slaughter the fortress again.
This time, I tried another tactic. Traps. I had tested them vs the bandit camp, but only briefly, and more or less versus half dead, weak ass noobs.
this time it was first versus that dick outside that beat me. Then, as I raided the fortress, I dropped a bunch of traps as soon as I entered. and, started that 1v3.

Traps are massively OP. if you are not using them, start. tripwires+ironspikes. or even any spare weapon. the damage they do varies. like, slashing weapons, will deal low phys damage but also causing bleeding. piercing weapons will deal moderate phys direct damage.

Then, came the worry. the backpack was not inside. and since I put on a new backpack, its was no longer marked on the map.
After some google searching, with no clear answer, but did suggest it should be "outside the gate". I did end up finding it. it was down on the beach, by the large seashell.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Playing on PS4 Pro with an SSD and the load times are like vanilla EQ on a 28.8k modem. They just released a patch (1.04) so maybe they’ll come up with a way to do some background loading or make it more efficient. Otherwise, I’m really enjoying the game. It’s quirky but quite enjoyable.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
TJT TJT and I are hopping in again tonight. I haven't really touched it other than setting up my next quest where I chose one of the three to go chase after.


<Bronze Donator>
well, going at it solo since the GF doesn't seem to care for the game too much. started a new save file, my first solo character from last week was in pretty bad shape with the blood debt quest failed. going much smoother this time around, doing the Tribal Favor bit ASAP.

decided i wanted to make sure i conquered the entire Trog cave for that first Shield Mushroom quest, so i drew out a map as i went. got lucky and got a couple sapphires and a Mushroom Halberd with Poison on it. had enough silver to get some nice armor and load up on bandages / potions. feels like the game finally "clicked" for me tonight, having a much easier time with it this go 'round.

using a bow to plink a bit of damage before swapping to my close range weapon works pretty well.

just before turning it off for the night, i got the materials i needed to make a Fang Greatsword. seems like a worthy replacement for my Mushroom Halberd.
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<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Played for a couple hours with my six year old last night. It’s hard to imagine playing a Dark Souls-lite game with a six year old as anything but an exercise in frustration, but it actually was pretty fun. Unfortunately I have to save gear for him when I’m playing solo and I’m cooking and making potions for two, but he’s getting progressively better at at least being a worthy distraction. I need to give him this huge ass tower shield I found on a bandit defender in front of that Vendavel fort in the south.

The loading times are still painful, but otherwise the death penalty isn’t too bad. I learned that the teas you can make (gravel beetle for health, seaweed for mana, and bitter spice beetle for stamina) restore a fairly significant portion of “burnt” stats. It’s probably a fixed number but it seems like it’s 1/5 stamina, 1/5 health, and 1/4 mana for my character. I bought the 25 health fortitude training.
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Avatar of War Slayer
IGN has a hilarious "review" of the game. They are 100% awful at the game, and blaming the game for it.
Outward Review in Progress - IGN

To be clear, I’m no slouch at combat. Between sessions of Outward, I’ve spent a fair amount of time with Sekiro these past few weeks and I’ve found that challenge manageable and rewarding.
Amusingly, this is probably part of the problem. Like going from golfing to baseball and back. it fucks up your swing and timing. A poster in reddit made a good analogy, saying dodging for them was easy, coming from monster hunter to this. Soulslike/forhoner etc dodging is all about timing and i-frames. Here, dodging is about creating distance. you can't really dodge through attacks. but you can dodge away from them. As such, alot of people just use sprint, and don't even use the dodge roll.
Additionally, there’s no sense of empowerment; Sekiro puts you in the shoes of a trained ninja with agility and guile and asks you to meet its enemies on its terms, with creativity, skill, and timing. Outward casts you as a generic villager from every small fantasy town ever, gives you some farm equipment, and asks you to take on armed bandits, half-mushroom halberdiers, and fire-breathing deer.
why can't I be an immortal robot ninja with timetraveling powers like Sekiro. I want to be a demi-god.

Its also funny. Half the review turns into a long story about how he and his partner got their assed kicked, got beaten, kicked out of the city, lost and penniless, etc. This long Kenshi/boatmurdered story of getting beaten down. its a great tale. and the kind of thing you see in a Rimworld, dwarffortress/kenshi sub,.

So now I'm unarmed, naked, broke, and it’s snowing, so I'm dying every two or three minutes to exposure:
Because there is no leveling up in Outward and character progression is entirely tied to gear and training you can buy with money, being broke and losing everything I own in a fashion I can't walk back (hello, autosave and no save slots!) amounts to a hard reset. After dozens of hours, I'm literally more helpless right now than I was 10 minutes into a new game.

On the other hand CohhCarnage loves it.

He does have some valid criticisms. throughout his lets play.
One of the big ones is see from many people is, the world is a bit empty. No ambient creatures. deer, rabbits, etc. No friendly travelers on the roads. for a game with no fast travel, and just running from point A to B is a huge part of the game, far too much of that running from A to B is just empty zones with npcs either dead or 'outleveled'.
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<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Hopefully this’ll be like CDPR where this is Witcher 1 (indy darling and cult classic that sells well enough to create a AA.5 that leads to making enough money to go all in with a world class AAA for the third installment).

A more realistic expectation may be hoping this is Divinity Original Sin (though they had several Divinity games prior to the OS series).
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