

Blackwing Lair Raider
symettra is the one char I just can't seem to play, she has so little HP and half of her abilities seem questionable - like her mini turrets are useful in a few spots but most of the places they seem to get destroyed by AOErs too easy, and her teleport is great on offensive pushes near the end but not that useful otherwise.
I play a lot of symettra, but pretty much exclusively on defense. I find she is better on certain maps vs others and on some maps better at certain points. Like anubis, she is great at holding at the first choke, makes it easy to get an early teleporter and keeping a teleporter up is really easy when its so difficult for the opponent to just get past the gate, but she isn't as good at the second point because of there being so many ways for the enemy to come and the teleporter isn't needed since respawn is right there. Because the teleporter has limited uses I'll often run back to the point rather than use the teleporter because symettra herself usually doesn't bring much to a team fight so I'd rather one of my teammates get back quicker. If your sentries are getting taken out by aoe's you're clumping them up too much. Sure having 6 sentries all clumped together is great the first time someone chases you into a room, but now they know where all your sentries are and they are easily removed. Spread your sentries out so your opponent has to actually take time and aim at each one. I like to put sentries in at least two different spots, and again spread them out wherever you put them. Of course continually send charged right clicks your enemies way, at a choke when you can, its also very effective at downing reinhardt's shield. She can be squishy, you're always going to want sentry/teammate support, don't put yourself in a position where you'll get caught out.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I have like a 100% winrate on Numbani playing Symettra point A defense. She is an absolute rapetrain especially because people seem to not fully understand the map. There are a ton of entrances into the capture point but everyone just takes the main road or the side building. So if you turret nest the side building and just pump orbs down the gut you can easily score 25+ eliminations and be top on damage. She requires good map circumstances to really shine (in general point A defenses) but when she's shining holy fuck she's good. Her void ray beam is also crazy for securing killing.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Yea Symmetra works best on defense where you can lay down your turrets in a choke point and then wait to use your photon projector to link onto a target while your turrets are active on it. I think the thing that annoys me most about her is she is in the healer category when I think she'd be more at home with the defensive characters. Someone picks Symmetra and everyone on the team takes that as a "oh we don't need a healer!" until we get mowed down.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Well she's in support not healer. There isn't a healer role and possibly there should be. But that list would be two heroes basically.


what Suineg set it to
Does Widowmaker's little chevron things that light up red give her some amount of auto-aim?


what Suineg set it to
Her Q? No it just does walls. If you're talking about the scope being 100% no to that as well.
Yea in the scope she has the chevrons around her aim point that sort of float in and turn red. I know the game favors shooters but sometimes it feels like autoaim rather than truck-sized hit boxes.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Yea in the scope she has the chevrons around her aim point that sort of float in and turn red. I know the game favors shooters but sometimes it feels like autoaim rather than truck-sized hit boxes.
Her shot is hitscan so its pretty easy for it to register but you'll be a bit far forward of where the shot occured


Lord Nagafen Raider
I am so inconsistent it isn't funny. Last night, I was doing really well, for me anyway, averaging 25 elims as Genji, in a series of solo queues. Today, I am just getting my shit pushed in, regardless of hero choice. Fuck today, lol.


Molten Core Raider
Krovvy/Valderan we ran into you guys last night, I was playing with some questionably skilled work friends. Your Hanzo is disgusting.
Aw, I wish I could remember what game was in question :c Did we win, or you? I lose a lot of Hanzo games where I some how still do a lot of damage/kills but clutch plays be winnin.

Maybe I'm being naive and missing something but why are you guys using a voice comm program when the in game voice comm is pretty awesome already?
I said earlier, but in a short sweet answer. Organization, and the ability to LFG/LFM.

It's much nicer to be able to have a mass group of people in one centralized area rather than sending out multiple tells because blizzard doesn't know how to set up a community chat, or hasn't tried. Some, idk, I know for myself, friendlists are huge. I have so many people playing overwatch, and about 5 or 6? different groups of friends. Co-workers, guildmates, rl friends, rerollers, and csgo friends, that its kinda hard to try and send tells to each individual to see who has a spot available(reroll is the biggest of the group, probably 2 to 3? groups probably going at once.) All of them are on discord conveniently, aside from workfriends.. they're PC plebs and skype. I tend to instead of looking at my b.net friends list, pop into any of their discord chats look at whois in chat, 5 people? ask em if lfm, see 6, move to the next.

Also its nice having a few extra bells and whistles when it comes to being able to control the output volume of a player. Some people are just insanely loud over other people who are insanely quiet. The open mic option for a program is usually far superior than the one blizzard put in the game. Blizzard's open mic literally just keeps your mic on with no input sensitivity, versus a program which if I wanted to, the only way you could hear me is if i'm screaming through the mic but its not like that because settings c: Since I stream time to time, I also have a mute button that I can hold so I can talk to whoever is in chat, or if anyone is talking to me, so I don't sound like i'm rambling on to someone else; massively convenient for streaming. Nothing like answering a viewers question, and the person you're in call with is like what, trying to figure out what the hell you're talking about.

I don't really understand the resilience against it though. I mean, i'm sure most people here are tame in reasoning because I've heard some wild ones from others not containing to rerolled. Best one i've heard was it "seems unsecure" despite wanting to use skype instead which a person can openly ddos you from a simple call. I'm not use it though. I'm use to hearing "Go get teamspeak" and a person gets teamspeak, or vent/mumble even. A program that basically takes all of that and shits on it all comes along and everyone is kinda alien now.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I am so inconsistent it isn't funny. Last night, I was doing really well, for me anyway, averaging 25 elims as Genji, in a series of solo queues. Today, I am just getting my shit pushed in, regardless of hero choice. Fuck today, lol.
Damn your turret earlier :p


FoH nuclear response team
Changed my BattleTag back toOblio#11818
Been having lots of fun with this game so far. My favorite character is definitely Mcree. Looking for others to play with, feel free to add me. (Rafzilla#1754)