

Trakanon Raider
Lol that's awesome. The default spray swag is fail though. I use "You've been probed". I don't think I'll ever use a different spray. It's the best BM spray. Also, a good Reinhardt that isn't afraid to be aggressive (in a smart way, not in a charging into the team way) is really scary. Hammer range is crazy and when used properly (swung around like a maniac) it's insane. I love that you can hold left click in this game to keep attacking. I think a lot of the animation cancel stuff has been debunked though? At least with a few heroes I know it's been debunked. On Seagull's stream today someone was saying Toblerone can reduce his turret upgrade to lvl 2 time by 1 second using animation cancels though and if so that's pretty crazy

"Roadhog is simply an Ultimate-generating battery for the enemy team, so his Cons often outweigh the Pros." yup, that's what I realized playing him day 1. I loved him and did well, but realized "holy shit, the enemy team constantly has ults because I soak so much damage".


expect to see a lot more zarya's shooting their ultimates into walls this weekend
haha, that's awesome. I like ulting up on walls to pull people up to make them even easier to hit with splash (not that anyone should need it) but I haven't tried this..yet


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
My favorite strat with Symm turrets is to put them on the ground on Cap points. Especially Volskaya point A. Doesn't work well if you're getting pushed hard since all the random attacks will destroy them, but when you're team is holding well the spaced out turrets really annoy the flankers. (Tracer/Genji/Reaper/D'Va).

The ground makes the turrets hard to see at first and if spaced out well enough, 1 spread attack can't knock out multiples too easily.

Volskaya point B isn't as well suited since it's vulnerable to so much long range attacks, but you can still put some behind the center pillar thing since it rises above the ground a bit
I love her on Hollywood. You can hide 1 or 2 in the bushes where the enemies can't see them at all.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Are the animation cancels intentional or are they going to nerf them eventually?


Toe Sucker
That zarya ult is godlike hahah

edit: pretty sure they're intentional, i think they gave more of a window sometime in closed beta


Lord Nagafen Raider
The Reaper animation cancel doesn't affect the time it takes to shoot again at all, someone posted proof of it a few pages ago. It just gives you a free melee attack IF you time it perfectly (if you don't time it perfectly, it slows down your ability to shoot again by however much you mistimed it)


Molten Core Raider
I might seem like a tryhard, but I could careless what people play on my team. This isn't competitive and even then, I don't think i'm capable of raging. I will think to myself that this is stupid or that a player is byfar the most confused player. I'm doing the same "training" regiment I did w/ league, I stick w/ one champion in any situation and try to make the best possible outcome which often results in not so good moments but a learning experience non-the-less. So if you don't mind having a perma/dual-hanzo or on your team, Im yo man~ If you really want to win though, I can pop the widow.

I don't feel like widow is OP. Maybe it's because I played so much counter strike, but the AWP is much more powerful than her. You can even quick change weapons in CS and it's insanely fast to aim again..

I play a lot of widow but I'm not very good, so I'm not championing her just because of that.
I know you said somethings inbetween(oldschool player ect,) but comparing her to an AWP is rough. They have more checks and balances when it comes to Counter-Strike toward an AWP, smokes flashes ect. An AWPer only has so many spots he can truly go without being flushed out. There are maps in which the Widow isn't the greatest either, but can still have a massive impact because of who she is. She's better relative to say, the Railgun in Quake.. though the rail gun shoots a lot slower.

Since >1.5, they've added a quick swap delay, then in CSGO they added a movement speed reduction while scoped which fucked A LOT of AWP'r mains. In CSGO they also have different side arm draws, deagles and cz being some of the longer ones. Shit I remember being able to shoot the awp so fast in >1.5 that shots actually wouldn't register but even then, it wasn't overpowered in a competitive environment.

What makes her "broken" is that she literally has No Error other than the inability to aim. You suffer no punishment, and are given absolute freedom in correcting a problem. To give an example, if you body shot say any 200hp target, you roughly do what, 80-90% of their health at full charge? well you can immediately follow that shot up w/ a second popshot to finish the job, then proceed to get another charge shot and repeat the process. When an AWP'r misses in any form, its punished by hardpushes due to map design; counter-play if you would. Widow there is none of that, most maps are designed with open objective field, and small crevices on the sides. Even if you manage to get onto the widow, just quick few seconds of thought that widow can be in and out. My favorite thing to do is watch a Genji or Winston fly at me, drop of my ledge.. they follow, I just repel back up and proceed to the fucking.


Pathetic Reaction Bot
I might seem like a tryhard, but I could careless what people play on my team. This isn't competitive and even then, I don't think i'm capable of raging. I will think to myself that this is stupid or that a player is byfar the most confused player. I'm doing the same "training" regiment I did w/ league, I stick w/ one champion in any situation and try to make the best possible outcome which often results in not so good moments but a learning experience non-the-less. So if you don't mind having a perma/dual-hanzo or on your team, Im yo man~ If you really want to win though, I can pop the widow.

I know you said somethings inbetween(oldschool player ect,) but comparing her to an AWP is rough. They have more checks and balances when it comes to Counter-Strike toward an AWP, smokes flashes ect. An AWPer only has so many spots he can truly go without being flushed out. There are maps in which the Widow isn't the greatest either, but can still have a massive impact because of who she is. She's better relative to say, the Railgun in Quake.. though the rail gun shoots a lot slower.

Since >1.5, they've added a quick swap delay, then in CSGO they added a movement speed reduction while scoped which fucked A LOT of AWP'r mains. In CSGO they also have different side arm draws, deagles and cz being some of the longer ones. Shit I remember being able to shoot the awp so fast in >1.5 that shots actually wouldn't register but even then, it wasn't overpowered in a competitive environment.

What makes her "broken" is that she literally has No Error other than the inability to aim. You suffer no punishment, and are given absolute freedom in correcting a problem. To give an example, if you body shot say any 200hp target, you roughly do what, 80-90% of their health at full charge? well you can immediately follow that shot up w/ a second popshot to finish the job, then proceed to get another charge shot and repeat the process. When an AWP'r misses in any form, its punished by hardpushes due to map design; counter-play if you would. Widow there is none of that, most maps are designed with open objective field, and small crevices on the sides. Even if you manage to get onto the widow, just quick few seconds of thought that widow can be in and out. My favorite thing to do is watch a Genji or Winston fly at me, drop of my ledge.. they follow, I just repel back up and proceed to the fucking.
I do this but the ones that chase me know what I'm doing and will continue chasing me for a good long time until one of us kills the other by rng. Had one Winston chase me literally for 3 minutes, and on solo queue you might as well just stop and die because your team sure as shit doesn't care let alone have the situational awareness to know anywhere between 1 and 3 enemies are behind them on their half of the map.


<Bronze Donator>
One of the friends I play most with literally always play Roadhog, it makes me pretty sad. Last night he said "I wonder how much more we'd win if I just played Reindhart"

I wanted to die inside
I'm pretty sure I'd be close to 60% win rate if I didn't play with them, but I enjoy it usually lol. Every day I'll go like +5 to +10, then I'll play with them and lose it. They've gotten good at grouping up, communicating, and pushing. They'll never play good comps and switch heroes when appropriate though, I've just accepted it.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Thanks for the mouse suggestions.

Regarding Zarya, I never tried it there before on that map. I have used it on King's Row at the final point on offense (I fucked up my last RR game and shot the edge of the floor in a panic). If you shoot the wall, it will suck nearby defenders into the pit to die.


Log Wizard
One of the friends I play most with literally always play Roadhog, it makes me pretty sad. Last night he said "I wonder how much more we'd win if I just played Reindhart"

I wanted to die inside
I'm pretty sure I'd be close to 60% win rate if I didn't play with them, but I enjoy it usually lol. Every day I'll go like +5 to +10, then I'll play with them and lose it. They've gotten good at grouping up, communicating, and pushing. They'll never play good comps and switch heroes when appropriate though, I've just accepted it.
I play with people as good and better than me and we lose more in a 6 man than when I play solo. Part of it is all the MMR bullshit matching us with another 6 at a high level of play, usually cheez tactics involved as well. In a solo I can just play soldier and carry 50% of the burden myself.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
You know Widow is OP when the only option to counter a good one is....another Widow.

Yea Winston can get her! Yea ok good luck trying to do that when she has a turret and full vision through walls.


<Silver Donator>
Are the animation cancels intentional or are they going to nerf them eventually?
I would say intentional, although they might tweak some.

During beta, early on, you couldn't cancel reloads, at all. You had to wait the entire reload animation, which for a bunch of heroes was annoying as shit cause they take forever and if you used a skill right before it was over, you'd get fucked out of all your reload time and not reload. This was painful as fuck, especially with some of the animation looking liked they finished but weren't(like Roadhog was a pain in the dick cause it looked like it was reloaded but still had like .1 or .2secs after before it was actually reloaded). So they changed it, but they made it so it reload about halfway through the animation. Halfway is very early in a way, and I feel they picked something that early well knowing that you could cancel out of it purposefully(after all the point was to be able to cancel out of it and not lose your reload).

If they just wanted to make it less annoying with last split second cancels, they could have made it 80% instead, so I feel 50% is expected. But if they feel there's an issue with it, and they might under the pretense that the game shouldn't reward fancy knowledge and timed execution to perform, they could change the longer animation to require longer before they can be cancelled, nullifying the advantage. But at the same time, other popular animation cancels even during beta weren't touched, such as the most obvious hook shoot melee combo of Roadhog, so I feel it's unlikely they'll touch on that.