On the topic of learning heroes. I appreciate the numerous RR group invites but it's really disappointing when people from here are willing to sacrifice games to learn a hero. ie: No swapping or anything to improve chance of winning. Forget who it was, Nidhogg or Noodle or someone 2 nights ago, before match even starts, "sorry already for my Genji". I kinda wanted to quit out and go solo right there. Maybe I'm taking QP too serious, but I like winning and unless everyone is on board with dicking around (like going 6-stack same heroes) then I think it's only respectful to try and play at a somewhat competent level with heroes more suitable to securing whatever objective. When I want to play Tracer, I make sure it's not in RR groups since I suck ass with her, usually... actually been playing her and feeling a lot more comfortable with her now, but still haven't played in an RR group. Same with Genji, I never play him in RR groups, but have been practicing Solo.
Even during my solo practice, I make sure to play them when it makes sense. Genji/Tracer really aren't good on Defense unless you're awesome at them, for example.
Just some ramblings... My time is super limited so I'd rather solo and practice heroes guilt-free then being in RR groups where 1/2 are tryharding and 1/2 are dicking around.