I haven't played in a few days(3 or 4) since quick play was getting to be no fun for me for reasons I've mentioned before...long queues, getting into a game into a game in progress too often, short games with either side steamrolling the others, etc...
I was also extremely disappointed by competitive on the PTR, which was more or less exactly like Quick Play live after 25+ games. Stupid team make-up, one team always steamrolling the other, people leaving and being either on incomplete team, or playing against...I would say maybe 4 or 5 games ended right away after the first round because the other all quit.
I'm hoping it will be different on live since leaver penalty might have longer consequences like being banned from a season...but my hope is fairly low at this point.
I hope I can manage to find some fun again, because the game is genuinely fun to play when you're not stuck waiting in queues all the time, and when games are actually challenging for each sides...win or lose.
To add to the issue, is the fact that it seems most people are playing a lot less...used to easily have 10-20 people on every night easily....and now I'm lucky to have 5-10 these days.