Mercy Rez is the only thing I want nerfed. I don't want it to be up every fucking team fight. Needs to be 1.5x or 2x harder to build ult. It's just disgusting in both Competitive and Pro-scene. Everything hinges on who has res available. Team fights could be 30 seconds apart and it seems like res is already back up. I played a game last night where the enemy Mercy ressed twice in an extended team fight, once at beginning and once at the tail end. I was floored. I thought the enemy team had 2 Mercys but nope, just 1.
Just looked up some shit on Mercy and seems like she actually can charge her ult in 30 seconds. WTF? I actually thought I was just perceiving it being up super-fast but expected it to take at least a minute at best, but yea.. apparently if you non-stop heal you can get ult in 30.
Other then that, a couple buffs are probably warranted. I am afraid D'Va might be too OP with ANY buff she could get. Her Ult takes so long to charge, maybe lowering the charge time on it since it's so easily avoidable? It's really only buff I could see that would be reasonable.
Zenyatta probably needs a lot of changes... Need to bump up survivability but will need to nerf his damage output. He's a damn robot, shouldn't be so frail imo!