On Mercy, I honestly don't have any issue with her ult up time. It's actually fine. If you play with a Mercy main, we often have a sponge strategy where our Rein, or any other tank will just walk into the open for a little bit.. soak damage, and give Mercy charges.
If they did one of two things, it would seriously balance her out really well.
A) Make her ult not case through walls
B) Give her ult a cast time, most champions don't get their ults fully off until their whole speech is out. While Mercy can mumble the first syllable and everyone is alive.
Both of these, would essentially make her uptime problem moot. Her uptime is purely based off your poke, the longer you wait to do something, the more she goes up. It's an anti-time bomb. If you coordinate well, its sooo easy to deal with. For example, it's something I do, and sometimes it fucks up. But if we have a Zarya, we try to combo with her. She ults, with someone else, then the mercy hits the revive and someone ults to clean up the reviving ult. It's honestly not that bad, its the fact she can hide in spawn, or under a bridge, floor, ect and do it.. There is no way to cancel it because she doesn't even have to finish the full sentence. If they did either one of the two I mention above, it would almost be Widow status w/ her scope time.
As for Ranked play. I don't really understand the struggles some people are having, i'm only assuming most of you are SoloQ'ing which I can confirm is cancer. It could be some of you are hitting the tilt-a-whirl button and barfing everywhere after two games, and its a trickling downfall. (outside the leaver issue, that just sucks, and has happen to me on multiple occasions. Even myself with a blizzard dc, internet fine, can't rejoin wtf.)
If you're really focused on climbing, let go first. After someone telling me this along time ago, I have never had an issue climbing any ladder. Do the "Pro's" get upset after one or two loss? No. All you can do is perform at the best you can, and not worry about what others are doing. Often times, you find those who are blaming others, are stuck at their own rank unable to move. You can only analyse yourself, and aim for self improvement. Figure what you can do better yourself, and better your performance as an individual.
Honestly, with this game, round up some people that you can "control." I find the magic number is anywhere between 3-4 people. If you go with 6, you're gonna have to make sure you drafted those 6 correctly. IE atleast 1 or 2 tank mains, 1 or 2 healer mains, and DPS, and just not any DPS. You wanna find yourself some siege DPS, maybe a decent flanker, and someone that can be flexible in most roles. Six people is really easy, esp when you guys can talk back and forth on what happen, make on the fly calls on how to counter-draft, and maybe learn a thing or two on what the opponent is doing right/wrong and applying it. You also don't have to follow the cheese, and do the 2-2-2 strat. I've have yet to lose to that strat, even on KOTH. Of the multiple times I have faced it, there has only been one time a double tracer comp made me require a switch off Hanzo, most times its fine. A double Genji comp made me switch from Hanzo as well, to Mei, I was the most puddi guy on the team at that point yelling FUCK YOU GENJI for the next 20 minutes. My team had a blast listening to me, because that was our second time fighting that team, and they drafted two Genji's to push my shit in.
Also if you're like 30-55ish team rating, drafting 6 will be so fucking easy. There is little to no cohesion, just a lot of smegma that is easily dealt with. Team drafting after about 57 starts to get challenging when you have to learn to expect either a rush comp, or anything along those lines.
If you want to see some "average" people play 6stack. Starts a 6min, it was a knock out fight on anubis, but we communicated.