Glad to see genji toned down a bit. Absurd they buffed hanzo's hitbox and gave him an almost hitscan projectile, would make me lose a little bit of faith in blizzard if they both go through especially since they had to reign in widow not so long ago. Genji will probably receive some sort of buff if all three of those changes go live. My own personal thoughts on genji are that his triple jump contributed quite a lot to how no-one at mediocre ranks seem to be able to hit him for shit, and that his ultimate really needs reduced duration because you could stun him and if he got any sort of heals/shield he could still generally kill your entire team and didn't leave room for a lot of counterplay. Dunno if the triple jump change will go live since that mobility seems to be almost hero-defining and a large source of enjoyment for a lot of people and he could perhaps be balanced in other ways, though they did keep widows scope changes so fuck knows really. Mercy changes are interesting, maybe it will slow the game down a little bit which is fine by me, though rez might need looked at again if thats the case.