I don't GAF what people pick as long as its 222, if its not, fuck off with your Hanzo or Mei. I had 2 memorable matches this weekend: First one I was doing something else so when the screen comes up I instalock zen because he's usually fine everywhere. This was eichenwalde defense. I come back 30 seconds later and we have: Rein, Winston, Sym, Bastion, Genji. Yeah. And yet we held A somehow. wut? and it wasn't a matchmaking eff up, we barely got A ourselves on attack with a much better comp. Who knows.
Other one I was playing Ana on KOTH, we have a super mouthy (text chat) Pharah complaining about not getting heals. Dude I can't magically find you when you're off doing your thing. Finally on match point in round 4 or 5 I say "cool you want heals, you can play a healer this round" and take Pharah after he switches off of him. Of course he doesn't switch and we lose. Not sure what I could have done there to win that game I guess some times you just are gonna lose in those situations.