Ive also stopped for some time. Felt like diamond was my solo limit and whilst I could possibly have ground out masters with a very small winrate over a huge number of games, that just didn't appeal to me all that much and the community was a large part of it.
I have to admit im also burned out on elo ladder systems at the minute. I come from the days of quakeworld and remember when elo wasn't a thing. The public servers were a total clusterfuck, but it was *fun*. Some days you'd be the pubstompers, other days some players would stomp you, but it felt a lot more non-repetitive because of the diverse range of people on any server. Was pretty good too because public servers were the only option outside of organised clan competition so you had the vast majority of people trying hard in a non-serious setting, it was great. Its fucking amazing to me when I think back to CTF servers, how organised and competitive the games were when all people were competing for was to win the match itself, compared to just how awful competitive is in OW, and how absolutely unplayable QM is. Then for serious competition back-in-the day you had clan tournaments and that's where reputations were made, and hey since you were actually part of a team you didn't have some fucking toblerone sitting in spawn building turrets all game because he got killed once, or the constant verbal abuse dispensed to team mates because THEYRE YOURE FUCKING TEAM MATES and you want to win right?
Its too late for overwatch, but any fps I play in future id rather had no elo ladder systems at all, but facilitated and encouraged clans to form and compete.