what you get SR based on class? you sure cause im a mercy main and dont get shit... i think its based on your score vs the average of the other team no?
btw its the same thing for solo vs team... its awful when my 4 stack gets 2 shitters who insta lock dps and dont join team chat
You get SR based on a combination of things such as your hidden MMR (where the system thinks you should be), enemy team SR, and a small bonus based on how you performed relative to your class in that particular game compared with the stats they have collected based on all other games played. The same way wow arena worked but imagine you got some slight mmr boosts/losses depending on how you performed relative to all the other warriors the system had collected data on throughout the various rankings, for example. Also just to point out that this is NOT related to medals in any way whatsoever.
They also mentioned in the past that the system takes into account where you are 'flexing' (i.e. it should know if you have played that hero a lot or are filling), but Ive not been able to to find anything substantiative on that.
What it all means is that since its not a flat +20 per win / loss, loads of people have come up with conspiracy theories and ideas about gaming the system. People have mentioned torb/sombra one tricks climbing with negative win rates etc, but its all really hard to assess because its all a bunch of speculation rather than actual statistics over a long period of time.
What it means in terms of Mercy, is that because SR win/loss is based somewhat on their performance stats, and they have completely changed Mercy and have no stats for what an average player is currently, that SR gains are likely inflated due to her higher performance with increased number of rezzes, healing done due to ultimate giving mercy group healing abilities, and probably her overall change in playstyle leading to more healing done.
What people don't know is how quickly the system adjusts. From my own personal experience when they changed zen ages ago (i cant even remember what they changed now but he was buffed), I got some nice SR boosts for a few days until the system figured out what an average zenyetta player was, and then it was back to normal.
Also, from my own anecdotal experience, the system seems quite accurate in placing you into whatever 'bracket' it thinks you belong. For me, accross all my smurfs and friends accounts, this is diamond. I'd always place around this mark, I would find climbing much harder and flatter at this rating, easier and more SR gained at lower ratings etc. accross all the accounts.