Golden Baronet of the Realm
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Good interview with Jeff on Mercy changes, new map will be on PTR this week, and other stuff.
Overwatch lead Jeff Kaplan on Moira, Mercy’s troubles, and fixing toxicity
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WTF is with Silver level players all wanting to play Hanzo? He's fucking shit aside from his E arrow yet every game they're arguing over who gets to play him and then they do all of fuck all for either defense or attack. Really need to find another game to play, tired of this shit.
quick play? who gives a fuck, play all supports if people want, in comp, yeah, we have a problem! lol This is why i stick to Zenyatta, Roadhog, Junkrat, Reinhart, Ana, Tracer, Reaper and Soldier in comp!WTF is with Silver level players all wanting to play Hanzo? He's fucking shit aside from his E arrow yet every game they're arguing over who gets to play him and then they do all of fuck all for either defense or attack. Really need to find another game to play, tired of this shit.
What is even worse is when they do it between rounds on KOTH. You'll steamroll the other team and then they switch from Lucio/Solider/ Hanzo or even worse they pick Doomfist in the second round.
I only queue placements and play hanzo to make the tryhards mad
9 times out of 10 i switch to mccree because i don't actually want to lose thoughi can't commit to my hanzo trolling
I lock hanzo, cause I main hanzo. It's funny queuing with friends at lower ranks, mostly when you get to around diamond queue w/ some gold/plat duo/trio.
8/10 its the hanzo's fault, not the zen who trances nothing, mercy that valkyries after a fight is over, a road ult that gets canceled in a matter of seconds, the soldier that gets instagibbed after visor, or the panic graviton from zarya.. just the hanzo, loss happens only with hanzo.
Not saying the Hanzo's you get queued w/ are justified, but god this is my new bread and butter; people literally scream when hanzo is picked. It's worse in diamond because those are the fucktards that think they belong in Master but are getting held back by x. Literally, gold/plat okay just not knowledgeable or reactive/responsive, diamond god awful mentality, master/gm one trick city. I use to get my rocks off on csgo pissing people off w/ a deagle at ge or decimating various other ranks.
You're the exception not the ruleI lock hanzo, cause I main hanzo. It's funny queuing with friends at lower ranks, mostly when you get to around diamond queue w/ some gold/plat duo/trio.
8/10 its the hanzo's fault, not the zen who trances nothing, mercy that valkyries after a fight is over, a road ult that gets canceled in a matter of seconds, the soldier that gets instagibbed after visor, or the panic graviton from zarya.. just the hanzo, loss happens only with hanzo.
Not saying the Hanzo's you get queued w/ are justified, but god this is my new bread and butter; people literally scream when hanzo is picked. It's worse in diamond because those are the fucktards that think they belong in Master but are getting held back by x. Literally, gold/plat okay just not knowledgeable or reactive/responsive, diamond god awful mentality, master/gm one trick city. I use to get my rocks off on csgo pissing people off w/ a deagle at ge or decimating various other ranks.
Unfortunately, the 'smurf' accounts sit below 60%. One of them currently is at 45% which is the lowest I have ever seen. People just like to give up completely, which is fine because 1 of the smurf landed 3.6 and I have to let it decay before I can even contemplate playing. In my main, I have no problem holding above a 60-70%; its probably 4 out of 10 games that I do get some rager, and its always someone who is diamond. A lot of times the one that get the most pissy are those who are diamond but have spikes of 3.7 or 3.8 on their account and have entitlement to wave a big dick around despite currently being 3.2, 3.3 because its your fault they're there. It's great.look this game is easy, if you're good at a "bad" character, just say "hey don't panic team, I have a 60%+ winrate with {character}, we're gonna do great" and hey guess what, if you don't, you suck with him just like most people.
My best advice is to not think. It might take time to get there, but it comes with any sport, or anything really. I still often times catch myself thinking, and trying to "predict" the movement of pharah and it's a slippery slope. Some of my best shots are hearing rockets/jetpack and just flicking.I usually main him too but i suck ass at hitting pharah and mercy, which is always in comp and apparently nobody ever plays mccree/soldier for some reason lol
Footsteps are so broken now you don't even need to crouchwalk.