If you're mechanically ordinary (fps experience) and you just play objectives and strong picks, you'll expect to be around low gold. In silver is when I see people who aren't great mechanically (poor tracking, slow reactions, reaaally high sens/low sens, no gamesense, stupid picks). I can't even lose games to get into bronze when I just fuck around on mei freezing people at spawn, so I assume bronze is kids/women/older people.
Also people who rage through the roof and go to Troll Town for a few hours. Pretty much everyone sub Gold has serious tilt issues that they can't or won't address. At least, in my group of friends.
Sorry but what are "tilt" issue?
yay get rid of scatter
Not that he's awful etc but I'd stay away from Lucio outside of boop maps. He just.. exists. Doesn't contribute a lot and doesn't have the burst healing to save people.
The biggest difference between gold and below isn't better aim or game play its that people will be on vc, they'll call out flankers (especially reaper), and they'll combo ults. In silver and below people just fire off ults at random, often totally wasting them. You're not going to easily climb out of silver without turning on voice.
This. They can't remove the roadhog combo, then leave scatter "one shots 80% of the heroes" arrow in.