Every game on my smurf has some awful tank who doesn't do shit just blaming the entirely wrong people and entirely wrong reasons all game. Very toxic games.
There will also be the inevitable ana, who has picked the hero with the worst winrate in the entire game across all brackets telling others who to pick, completely missing the irony
Apparently you can also get 3-4 picks each team fight and your team will still tell you youre fucking awful simply for playing widow
You can also kill the enemy tracer smurf repeatedly but the second he one clips your support, 'dps are shit pls swap if u don't know how to play heroes'
Its actually hilarious. I fucked around from silver to gold today just playing battle mercy literally healing no-one and killing people with ultimate and pistol, and I ended up at 2056, climbing 500 pts, all the meanwhile these fucking clueless idiots are just constantly filling games with toxicity, unable to accept the real reasons they lose and are stuck, and that perhaps if they didn't tilt their entire team and improved their own play, they'd climb easily too.
This game really needs better feedback/scoreboards/stats