After playing some more Brigitte I am now 11-6-2 with her.
63% win rate which is pretty after 20 games or so.
I think she will change the meta a bit, seeing tons more of Zarya now, her right click splash damage isn't blocked by Brigitte shield like Junkrat and Pharah splash damage. Also her bubbles prevents the shield bash on herself and allies. She's a pretty good counter to Brigitte.
I'm also starting to see her a bit less already, she's not in every game on both sides. I already started flexing out of just playing her, mostly to Zen when there's a Pharah since for one thing she struggles against Pharah, and DPS have such trouble taking out a Pharah still in plat, discord helps a lot for that.
I think it will take a while for her to really find where she fits in. Some people think she's an off-tank, others think she's an off-healer. It leads to really strange comps right now.
She's not a main healer, but people underestimate her healing. I was on Brigitte in a game with an Ana, and one of the tank switch to Lucio saying with needed a second healer because Brigitte healing sucked and she's an off-tank not a support. That was on Gibraltar which is not one of Brigitte best map, lots of verticality and open space...yet I ended the match with Gold healing.
I still think she works best on a 2-2-2 setup with Mercy or Moira as second support, at this rank anyhow. The 3 support thing hasn't been a huge success so far for me, too little damage and we struggle to kill the other team.
I think it will be while before we see the meta settle and for Brigitte to really find her place.
She's so much fun to play though.
On King's Row at the first corner just past the 2nd point, there is a small hole where you can boop people. There was the defending Rein with his shield up standing at the corner...I shield bashed him and then mace to the faced him into the hole. I can only imagine his frustration.
Oh and Retribution event is over and I forgot to buy Reaper's Soldier 24 skin.