Well last night went badly, I killed my entire team and lost us the game.
So we're on Numbani defense after our attack pushed the payload to just a little after the tunnel near the 3rd point. We're fighting in the tunnel, I'm on Roadhog, and I throw my hook toward D'va...at the exact same moment she drops her D'va bomb, she doesn't throw it, just does it in place...
At that very moment, time slowed down to a crawl as I realized that my hook is heading torward the D'va bomb, I'm praying(and I'm an Atheist) that I'm going to miss...but in this slow motion moment, I can clearly see that my hook will connect. I have time to see the Reinhardt put up his shield between the D'va bomb and the group, and I see my teamates slowly moving to find cover behind the shield. I slowly realize in horror that I'm going to kill my entire team, and then the hook starts to pull the D'va bomb toward me, I start laughing like a maniac...then time starts moving at normal speed again, and all I can do is Take a Breather and watch my team die, all of them except me.
I died shortly after, and they reach the point where we push the payload on our attack and we lose the match.
In some strange ways...it was an absolutely glorious ending. It will most likely remain one of my best memory of playing Overwatch.
There might have been some toxicity directed at me after the play, even though I tried to apologize.
Of course, it had to be the PotG(for D'va's point of view obviously), so I could see it again in all of it's glory.
It's not the first time I accidentally hook a D'va bomb, but it was definitely the one with the best(worse) result ever by far.
Should have stuck to GW2.