Yeah, I mean it would take a lot for that to work.. It's just more, they shoehorned their creativity when they submitted themselves to all supports must heal. I was more ecstatic thinking of what could be possible by bringing different types of abilities to each role. Healing tanks, like roadhog, or healing dps like 76, sombra, and reaper.. But support, ultimately just heal.. Some better than others.
The struggle with supports now is that they have to be dialed back in the part that makes them "fun" for some, which is the pew with the heal. Huge boost to Ana's play way back was because she could two(3?) tap with ez, plus some.. Then Moira was a must because she basically outdps/self healed in many cases, now bap is said to have more? dps than 76. I don't know the truth to that specifically, but thats what my gm/master friends say when I join them for some games.
Tanks and Supps are just stuck because there isn't many options for them. If they doubled the supp and tank pools, it'd be a different story; for sure.. But you have 16 heroes a dps can pick from, while tanks and supports have half of that.
There have been points in the past, not all of which I can name.. But where even the game as a support popped off as both a dps, and heals. Ryughehong or whatever, during early day Ana as nasty. Watching him play between Healing and DPS. There was once a Zen early who was popping off high in the damage charts, even sometimes beating the dps and/or getting critical picks. I'm sure there have been moments of outstanding moira plays, and I'm sure we will see bap do some amazing dps/picks if he continues as so.