That first team blamed the tanks but honestly just one of those games where the team didn't mesh. I've gained about 500SR on Ana/brig/Moira this week, still climbing. I love playing tank but I was getting so tired of my games being one-sided messes and losing. I was perma stuck at 2000Played a few games withNoodleface , we reversed roles from last time with me tanking and him healing. We did pretty good, think it was 3-1. Not a very good start on Voskaya, but we got 3 fairly easy wins after that.
Good times.
Me and valderen were in comp, that was a 6 stack of me and my friends on an alt acct. Trying to level them up to do compWere you guys playing ranked or QP?Noodleface caught your stream a bit last night while you were in a 5 stack I think. Same games?
I got my gold border tonight! It's so weird to see. lol
I switched to healer anyways. Playing tank fuckin sucks.
Problem is dps are queueing as tank and instalocking hog and zarya. Then you get a shit game. You either MT while this turd flanks, or you play OT too and get accused of throwing.Tanking isn't that bad, well Rein and Orissa are, but Winston, Zarya and Roadhog are fun.
I like support too though. I find support more frustrating than tanks, I feel I can have a much bigger impact as Winston or Zarya but it's harder as a healer.
I like DPS but I'm not great except for Mei which is great because she is my favorite character to play and my best.![]()