As far as Kaplans departure, i'm really betting it on that there is pressure from the higher up's that go against what he sees as a full game; he was very buy once have all type. Plus washy development time, but i'm pretty sure we are going to see the usual cash shop with purchasable skins/weapons instead of just lootboxes and more than likely a battlepass. Very Apex and maybe a little bit of CoD/Valorant in terms of monetization. I wouldn't not be surprised if they introduce a currency to purchase new heroes, which is sped through rtx.. and at the very extreme, purchasable content for PvE.. PvP would be a bit ridiculous and quite bold of them to even attempt.. I don't even think CoD charges for maps anymore. BF5, they did iirc?
I personally think the 5v5 is the best thing they can do. I think it has some protentional, given that they're trying to take the tanks into a more "Bruiser" role than just a pure me tank, me shield. Blizzcon, they said that Rein will get two fire strikes instead of one, and able to cancel his charge on command.. and while I didn't watch the PvP thing from a could days ago, but from what i'm told, Winston will now have a beamsniper as a rightclick? Tanks are essentially becoming "top laners" of the game.. and it will be just that.. more "FPS/y"
I don't watch OWL, so i'm sure someone can correct me, but from what i've gathered through here, reddit, friends, and some discords that I have been apart of.. while GOAT's was aids aka, tanks.. and barrier meta was considered very stale from a player, and viewer perspective.. which I think were the last two major meta iterations.. this change might shift it up a bit to where it won't be as damage sponge-y game.