

Trakanon Raider
The most satisfying thing in this game is hooking a Tracer. It's like catching a fly with your hand.
Same with Hanzo. I feel like i've really done something when I just shoot a prayer arrow attempting to anticipate where a Tracer is going and it hits. That's really something I like about this game. Every hero I play has those satisfying moments. I got a team rez the other day with Mercy and you could feel like the other team just crapped their pants because we were fighting over an objective in an overtime.


<Bronze Donator>
I play Torb a lot on defense and people have just smartened up quickly. It doesn't seem to take a ton of effort from a Reaper/Tracer/Pharah to shut me down when I'm trying to be a little more aggressive with the turret placement. In those cases the character plays a lot like it should. A nuisance most of the time, and an asset at certain spots if the turret is placed defensively. I know you guys are talking about Torb stacking though and I don't have a ton of experience there. I did end up on a 6 Torb team once for a full match and we did win.

Still really enjoying the game. Share a lot of the same frustrations with pugs. What gets me the worst is the last stretch of escort duty on a payload map. I swear you could just sit at the doorway or whatever and watch your 5 teammates all trickle in one by one on repeat for the entire 4 minutes, or however much is remaining. Like, maybe this will be the attempt where I go 1 on 6 and kill all of them and win the game.

I played a lot of Lucio over the weekend and really had fun. Doesn't feel like an incredibly difficult character to play outside of putting a ton of damage i'd be doing otherwise on my teammates. Puts me at pretty comfortable with S76 (best with him for sure)/Junkrat/Torb/Lucio. Really need to work on Widow. As is I feel like I might as well just be AFK with how little impact I bring. And need to figure out a tank to become adequate at.


Torb (and Bastion) are only effective when your team isn't getting pushed. Even if they have a good scout dps class killing your turret, they are concentrating on that instead of your main damage dealers. If your team gets pushed though, you are better switching.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
On Hanamura if you really want to cancer on point A pick Torb and have a buddy be Winston. Whenever they push Winston just bubbles your turret and then leaps in to engage. It is really, really hard to deal with.


<Bronze Donator>
Torb (and Bastion) are only effective when your team isn't getting pushed. Even if they have a good scout dps class killing your turret, they are concentrating on that instead of your main damage dealers. If your team gets pushed though, you are better switching.
Yes in this case I usually switch over to Junkrat.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Having sentry classes is not the most fun mechanic, but there's a lot of frustrating shit in this game (roadhog stun combo/mcree combo/snipers/general genji bullshit). I don't find turret teams too bad to fight with more experienced players, even in pugs. Trollborn's turret explodes fast under any sort of pressure, bastion is an easy pick for genji or roadhog, and symmetra's sentrys are made of glass and she's susceptible to dying before getting tele down and essentially being useless/poor when focused down and team is behind. These feel fair enough to me though if your team is new then these classes are absolute noobslayers, and I agree its very frustrating to just watch your team mates derp in one by one getting picked off by a stationary turret instead of just shooting the fucking thing.

Widows on the other hand ... we played against 3 decent widows on defense last night, with insta head shots coming in three directions it was a very anti-fun and frustrating game, even winstons were just getting annihilated before getting close, even if we got one down their run back was obviously shorter and we were dying in the process. Having played for quite a while now and watching the tournament at the weekend, I'd be happy if blizzard went with no class stacking at all. Makes it easier for them to balance the game, still allows swapping of character during game for some element of the game involving class-counter strategy, but avoids turning the game into a 'oh you're running 4 winstons guess we better run 4 reapers' type of shitfest with strategy mainly focused on countering stacks rather than general ability and ultimate use & cooldown.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Removing class stacking isn't really going to help pugs at all, because then you're going to have so many people bitching about not getting "their" character, and you're also going to have shitters tying up the one counter to the problem enemy. There was a reaper on my team last night that was shooting at people only from across the room and then falling back and repeating. If they had anything that Reaper really was required to beat, it would have been hopeless.

A good widow is already strategy-defining in randoms, if there were legitamitely 3 good ones on one team than honestly you probably would have lost no matter what they were playing because they're probably that good on other things too (McCree, Honzo, S76 all benefit immensely from good aim). Like 40% of the characters can fuck with Widow in one way or another depending on the situation and set up.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
People are complaining and putting way too much emphasis on quick play. Quick play sucks in almost every game for long periods and actual ranked play in this game is lightyears better because people actually give a shit about winning. There is no point in winning or losing in quick.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Why does everyone want to be a cyborg ninja? Pretty much every solo queue game I go into has 2 genjis, a tracer, + some other offense characters. Group of 4-5 friends queue up, even though one of us already picked genji, what do/does the pug(s) select?, Genji(s).


Bronze Knight of the Realm
IMO Genji is one of the most fun to play characters out there. At least he has one of the highest ceiling and has a kit that allows him immense carry potential.


Just saw that vid of the projectile box being huge. That's gotta just be a bug. Nobody uses boxes for anything but a first pass "you might have hit" stage. Maybe just a not-a-fps-company mistake?

If you are curious why, boxes don't fit bones very well, bones being the transforms that put all the character's bits in the right spot for an animation. To test a hit on a box, you also have to invert every bone matrix, which is a big performance drain. The actual hit test is 6 dot products vs 2 for a capsule, which requires no inversion, and fits bones better.


Molten Core Raider
People are complaining and putting way too much emphasis on quick play. Quick play sucks in almost every game for long periods and actual ranked play in this game is lightyears better because people actually give a shit about winning. There is no point in winning or losing in quick.
Well, quick play is all we have, for at least another month, so yeah, people get upset. Maybe they should have shipped with ranked instead of making us wade through this shit for 2 months at release?


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Well, quick play is all we have, for at least another month, so yeah, people get upset. Maybe they should have shipped with ranked instead of making us wade through this shit for 2 months at release?
Shut your yap and enjoy the game you little hooker.


A Mod Real Quick
So what happens if you play against a torb 6 man defense team and you all just sit in your spawn as a team. Would you all be kicked for being afk? Is there a penalty? Would the other team get afk warnings?


Trakanon Raider
People are complaining and putting way too much emphasis on quick play. Quick play sucks in almost every game for long periods and actual ranked play in this game is lightyears better because people actually give a shit about winning. There is no point in winning or losing in quick.
I think you're missing some aspects of the the complaint, Quickplay should have a better FFA/Drop in Experience than it does for the 6 solo players who don't want to spend time on meta gaming with 5 random people they will be with for a short time. The problem with Quickplay as I see it is that the player is 100% at the mercy of how badly your 6 random opponents want to handle the meta relative to your own team.

The random respawn brawl mode is in the right direction, but the total reduction in ultimate usage is a negative for this FFA/Drop in Experience. Random respawn Brawl Mode steals how often some of the best moments of the game occur. I'm sure there are solutions out there, perhaps that is limiting stacking, perhaps it would be increased player totals like 12v12. The thing I wouldn't say is that Quickplay is fine, and just play ranked later. Quickplay can and should be more than a shittier version of ranked play.

I liken this to Quake where we played 4v4 or 1v1 in competitive, but FFA could be 16, Rocket arena, Full gun/armor respawn modes (race to 100 kill), FFA options, CTF etc. There is some mode or design out there that has to make Quickplay a unique experience that is compelling for the solo/ffa drop in players around the characters of the game.


<Gold Donor>
Sorry to the Bro's whose invites I did not accept on Sunday afternoon. I was on and off a lot watching the NBA Finals and I had my oldest kid watching me play. I was playing whichever Character he wanted me to play, so not the most conducive to winning, like Bastion on Attack etc. I should be on later tonight for like an hour.


Molten Core Raider
I don't feel like quoting the peoples, but seeking refugee in the idea that ranked is going to be any better.. don't sell yourself short, you're only setting yourself up for a much greater frustration. By some miraculous feat Overwatch might be different, but I highly doubt it. To be quite honest, Ranked might be even more toxic than regular play. In any ladder system, there is going to be a high influx of cancer and will depend on how Blizzard decides to handle these issues that occur. It really is hard to say, depending on how the ranking system goes whether its played time(beta/alpha? test) or actually a skill progression.

The only thing that really changes at both high and low elo is at which their ability to play the game, but the toxicity still stays the same. It's odd to say but I miss the old days when people had to actually try and get matches going through either third party organizations or IRC set ups like #findscrim.. people actually gave a shit then, it wasn't automated and you actually had to try and get shit going.