

Trump's Staff
Blizzard doesn't make games that get annual refreshes. They chose art styles that look relevant for many years. It's good business when you consider their strategy


Trakanon Raider
This game seems like a direct attempt to poach TF2s player base. It wouldnt be out line to call it TF2 rip off.

Going Head to head with Gabe and Steam? Okay. Good Luck.
Only way I see it working against TF2 is if they have all the staples like dedicated servers, custom maps, etc, etc


Trakanon Raider
This is just what Blizzard does. They do NOT innovate, they iterate. None of their big games were ever first to market or genre defining, but they were genreelevating. Warcraft? Dune II clone. WoW? EQ. Heroes of the Storm? Any MOBA. Hearthstone? MTG.

They have a business model of "take something we know people love and make an absolutely breathtaking example of it". It works. I never had a single bit of interest in Team Fortress games. They just never appealed enough for me to investigate them. However, after burning out on Destiny and watching the previews of this, Blizzard has my attention.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I don't see how you can say they don't innovate when they take a product and make it better. Which is basically the Webster definition.


Trakanon Raider
All I'm saying is they're not a company known for being revolutionary. They take an established product and polish it to the nth degree. That's not a criticism. They're very, very good at what they do.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Someone that knows their RTS/gaming history better than me but was there really an RTS like Starcraft prior to it's release? A game with the micro and macro scope of the game? I know WC1/2 evolved out of Dune and Starcraft was basically supposed to be Orcs In Space until they scrapped and re-did it. I don't recall C&C having nearly the level of base macro SC ever had. Dune nor WC didn't really have it as well. They may be the actual inventors of the modern RTS unless I just missed a game that preceded SC.


Trakanon Raider
C&C: Red Alert had a fair bit, but Total Annihilation is the biggie that actually beat Starcraft to market by about a year.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Hm I guess I just remember C&C as building a deathball of high tech units and rolling. I don't recall much difference in races or if there was ever not a reason to just spam high tech units. Though I guess if SC never adapted a competitive scene that would be the same story for it's single player as well.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
WC2 had a fair amount of micro + macro also. SC just took both to a higher level.

In WC2 you had to choose whether to 1-base and rush, 2-base and turtle the other guys rush and beat him with tech, etc; and there were a lot of variations on building placement and cannon placement and micro of your ogres/knights once you had a decent deathball...

And if you didn't win with your first rush you could sometimes 3 base and expansion-hunting was a very important part of the game.


Tranny Chaser
Thing is that even if this is just a watered down version of TF2 it will still be something I try simply because I like TF2 but never think to really play on account of the hassle associated with finding a server etc. Now is that a terrible excuse? It is. TF2 is already pretty damn accessible, and yet if it was right there on my Battle.Net launcher and had dedicated servers and matchmaking I would easily be more likely to play it from time to time.

It can also appeal to people who like the notion of MOBA games with their constantly introducing and evolving heroes but who either missed the MOBA bandwagon or just don't get the sort of joy out of that style of game as they might from a first person shooter.


Avatar of War Slayer
Red alert was out 2 YEARS before starcraft? wow, I don't remember that...
C&C 1 was fairly bogus. GDI was broken, I-win. Red alert was pretty competitive.
Starcraft is great and polished. but not alot to really point at and say, omg revolutionary. it was just better, and tighter.

Try "pioneer" when looking for a term to describe blue ocean development.

Pretty sure this will have some kind of custom map system, as well as servers, ala tf2. Blizzard had been giving mod kits for most of their games, no doubt this too.


Blackwing Lair Raider
All I know is people scoffed when they announced Hearthstone as just another generic CCG and now it seems they are printing money with it. You people are jaded, this is Blizzard with a new IP, you bet your ass people are going to play it. The fact that its TF2 with Blizzard behind it is just gravy.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Looks like it's marketed to 9 year olds.
I'm almost 27 and I thought the cinematic was pretty cool. If that was the trailer to a new Pixar film, I'd go see it (along with everyone else).

This game isn't for me.At all. I'm not big on FPS, never played TF2, don't like mobas, never played Smite. That said, this game looks really cool. If it can look good to someone like me, who shouldn't be anywhere near the target demographic, this game will be huge.

And I think the graphic are pretty good... it looks like a Blizzard game but at the same time has its own style.

Rip off of TF2? Khorum already touched on this, but to quote El-P, "You looking at the guy who the guy that you think that I got my style from got his own style from."

If they just pulled those character designs out of their ass after Titan was canceled, they did a pretty good job.

Blizzard's hitting this one out of the park.


what Suineg set it to
If SC2, D3, HS and HotS have taught me anything, it's that this game is going to be overproduced for the gameplay you get out of the box and ultimately the glacially slow content release cycle will kill any interest I have in it. I used to love Blizzard's attention to detail, but man, they've really mediocritized all of their franchises in the last decade and despite making endless gobs of money, all we get is more and more waiting. Even HS, which you'd think would be a slam dunk with the ease of content development... nope, not even an Android client.


If SC2, D3, HS and HotS have taught me anything, it's that this game is going to be overproduced for the gameplay you get out of the box and ultimately the glacially slow content release cycle will kill any interest I have in it. I used to love Blizzard's attention to detail, but man, they've really mediocritized all of their franchises in the last decade and despite making endless gobs of money, all we get is more and more waiting. Even HS, which you'd think would be a slam dunk with the ease of content development... nope, not even an Android client.
What has a game like TF2 drastically changed in the last 8 years?

Crafting? The weapons? How long did that take?


<Silver Donator>
I don't think he was saying TF2 is better. But yeah it's probably gonna be similar.

I'm pretty cautious about this game, mostly because HotS monetization is a fucking mess and I think they'll go for something similar. That and the fact they think "ultimates" are a good idea in a FPS. Shit's fucking stupid, even in TF2 where they only had supercharge, they had to nerf it several times and add a ton of options to fight against it(all the pushing weapons) to try to balance it, and that was just one class. Last thing I want to do in a FPS is die to something and think "whelp, nothing I could have done here, he had his ulti".


I don't think he was saying TF2 is better. But yeah it's probably gonna be similar.

I'm pretty cautious about this game, mostly because HotS monetization is a fucking mess and I think they'll go for something similar. That and the fact they think "ultimates" are a good idea in a FPS. Shit's fucking stupid, even in TF2 where they only had supercharge, they had to nerf it several times and add a ton of options to fight against it(all the pushing weapons) to try to balance it, and that was just one class. Last thing I want to do in a FPS is die to something and think "whelp, nothing I could have done here, he had his ulti".
He is complaining that even if Blizz brings something out new they kill it with glacial content after release. My point is I think TF2 has show that funny comics every so often and stupid hats can keep a game insanely popular in that genre. Slap this onto the battle.net launcher where at least 8M people are seeing it when they play one of their other games compared to Steam where they might have 30 other games they notice before they think about playing TF2. Now make it new and interesting and not dependent on finding a good server and you do a huge amount of damage to TF2's market.


Trakanon Raider
He is complaining that even if Blizz brings something out new they kill it with glacial content after release. My point is I think TF2 has show that funny comics every so often and stupid hats can keep a game insanely popular in that genre. Slap this onto the battle.net launcher where at least 8M people are seeing it when they play one of their other games compared to Steam where they might have 30 other games they notice before they think about playing TF2. Now make it new and interesting and not dependent on finding a good server and you do a huge amount of damage to TF2's market.
Dedicated servers, trading and community driven customization are three things Blizzard has very little experience with. On the other hand, is anyone looking for a game they are going to play every day for 6 months ?


Lord Nagafen Raider
Saw an action bound to space bar, does that mean you can't jump in this game?