Mounts of Madness got shitcanned and he made this. He wanted too much money for Mountains.Tell me this isn't Guillermo del Toro's backhanded attempt at his At the Mountains of Madness project, for the love of Old Gods.
The fun thing is, that the company financed Pacific Rim and one of the other movies he has in the work, has stated that if they do well enough, they will give him the go ahead to make a Mountains of Madness film.Mounts of Madness got shitcanned and he made this. He wanted too much money for Mountains.
Well all you fucks need to do your part and support this!The fun thing is, that the company financed Pacific Rim and one of the other movies he has in the work, has stated that if they do well enough, they will give him the go ahead to make a Mountains of Madness film.
Originally he wasn't. Perlman didn't want to do anymore. Supposedly the makeup takes like 5 hours per day or something, maybe more. So his shooting schedule consists of like 100 20ish hour is Del Toro ever going to fucking finish the Hellboy trilogy? perlman isn't getting any younger.
this movie looks like it escaped from the 80s. not a bad thing.
Feh, Robot Jox wasnt even Robot Jox for the 19th century. That was... not a good movie...I'm 12 years old again and cannot wait.