some of you guys are obviously just popping in, and not reading any of the information posted, or video's sourced.
artificial does not magically make things harder for your body to manage. There is no magic involved.
HFCS is fructose-glucose in variant ratios. mostly 55-45%. Chemically, nearly identical to honey. Honey has maltose, sucrose, and other impurities. The important part however is the fructose-glucose.
As demonstrated in the vid posted a page ago or so, the biochemistry on fructose is poor. We want sugar in the form of glucose. Sucrose and fructose are poor, and basically identical for the body. to the point the guy outright calls them poison.
Its not magic, and its not artificially created. The same fructose that is in fruit, honey, etc, is the problem.
Fructose does not trigger the "im full" hormone. It has no reaction in the brain at all. Which is bad. Drink too much alchohol, you get drunk, too much glucose you get a sugar high, etc. you know when to stop.
Raw amounts in food has skyrocketed. 100 years ago, fructose was like 5% of total calories in food. today it's like 70%.
Calorie in, and calorie out is not all that matters.
What kind of sugar matters, and how much of it matters.
The problem is not HFCS exists. The problem is its cheap as hell, and sweeter then sugar. So when we should be using LESS of it, due to being more sweet, we instead started using MORE of it, because it is cheap.
The low fat craze also of course exasperated the problem. Reduced fat, increased sugar to compensate.