Palworld (Pokemon with Guns and Bukkake, minus the Bukkake)


Log Wizard

So this game comes out in early access Friday. Some streamers like Lirik have already been playing it and it's supposed to be pretty decent. Lots of review videos out there. Basically it's:

Pokemon World/Capturing
Thrall System for Crafting
Survival Building
Some Base Horde Defense
Big Open World
3rd Person Shooting With Pal Pets With Abilities

Probably going to give it a shot. My only concerns are A: no PvP (yet) and B: it seems like the kind of tryhards will be done with in 16-20 hours of gameplay like a lot of survival games. Maybe not, but we'll see.

Price point is $30 apparently even though it's not priced on steam yet. It's also on Game Pass day oneif people have that already.
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I think your wife's a bigfoot gus.
<Silver Donator>
Seems like a lot of things I liked about Conan Exiles but with Pokemon instead of thralls, lol.

Looking forward to tinkering, thx Game Pass.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
Look all I'm sayin is the thread title should probably be rephrased slightly to not give people the wrong idea.


"Adult Pokemon Game" is something I ain't clicking on even with someone else's mouse and if I hadn't seen the game referenced in a different thread I'd never have known better.
  • 9Worf
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
When i saw the "adult", I thought it was some kind of weird sex game. I still clicked on it, because I can't help my curiosity to see how the hell pokemon got turned into a sex game. Glad to be proven wrong though, this does look interesting.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
I still clicked on it, because I can't help my curiosity to see how the hell pokemon got turned into a sex game.
If a similar opportunity presents itself in the future, do whatever tortured and gasping bit of innocence you have left a favor and don't click again.
  • 2Worf
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
If a similar opportunity presents itself in the future, do whatever tortured and gasping bit of innocence you have left a favor and don't click again.

Innocence died in the mid to late 90s when I discovered the internet as a teen.
  • 3Worf
  • 1Solidarity
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Log Wizard
Maybe the title was a honeypot and you're all fucking exposed.

In reality, I think a lot of big streamers got early access and have been playing. Most of them seem to be enjoying it and I hear a lot of other streamers really looking forward to it even though I think it launches like Friday at midnight which is a weird launch time for most.

Think it's going to be a flash-in-the-pan big boom type game that everyone plays for one month and has millions of players for no reason then the fad blows over and it dies out. Either way I'm hoping to get 20-40 good hours of fun out of it for the $30.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Maybe the title was a honeypot and you're all fucking exposed.

In reality, I think a lot of big streamers got early access and have been playing. Most of them seem to be enjoying it and I hear a lot of other streamers really looking forward to it even though I think it launches like Friday at midnight which is a weird launch time for most.

Think it's going to be a flash-in-the-pan big boom type game that everyone plays for one month and has millions of players for no reason then the fad blows over and it dies out. Either way I'm hoping to get 20-40 good hours of fun out of it for the $30.
Any idea of Nitrado or anyone else is going to offer private server hosting? I like running private servers with the homies in survival type games. Or is this more of an "MMO"-lite style with only "official" servers?


Log Wizard
From what I read there's 4 person co-op available for free on their servers and then up to 32 person dedicated servers I imagine you can buy hosting for.


Watcher of Overs
Hoping the server will just show up under tools in steam. I was going to throw it on my server.

We've been talking about this alot in the survival thread. I wonder what time it unlocks.


Watcher of Overs
Hoping the server will just show up under tools in steam. I was going to throw it on my server.

We've been talking about this alot in the survival thread. I wonder what time it unlocks.
Midnight pacific so 5 hours hence. I've got my ports forwarded, it's 15636-15637. Not sure if I can get it to run on linux though.


Watcher of Overs
Gnap complete, ports ready, tea made, space freed (au revoir planetside 2), just need that steam id!

Hmm I wonder if they are overloaded. Can't get past the payment thing.

I had to go get a magnifying glass so my old eyeballs could see my credit card numbers :emoji_laughing: :emoji_older_woman:

Client is 21 jigglybytes, Server 4.

Server runs on linux native! Pretty cool. Was worried I'd have to do a bunch of wine assgoblinry.
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Watcher of Overs
Here's what the default server settings look like. It is supposed to make a copy of this down in the "saved" dir, but it hasn't yet on mine. Maybe need to connect first. Going to take me another hour or so to download the game itself.

Going to take some experimentation to figure out what some of those mean. CoopPlayerMaxNum maybe limits the number that can share a house? ExistPlayerAfterLogout is the old ark thing where your body stays sleeping when you are offline I'm guessing. IsMultiplay, no idea. Lots of pvp and pvp looting stuff.


Avatar of War Slayer
am I blind? how do I exit the game? theres quit to menu, while in game.. but then, no close game option in the title screen.

Made the mistake of starting a base on a cliff. thought a multilevel base would be neat. for the life of me, I could not get a ramp going up and down the cliff to work however. just would not let me build foundations into the walls to finish them off. pokemon then would not leave the base to walk down the long way to get to lower base items, like the ranch.


Watcher of Overs
I tried that too, no luck. It seemed to only let you build down 1 stairway and then you couldn't really connect it to another foundation. Maybe building up from the bottom might work.

Hope none of them rolls over in the night haha, 50 foot drop behind them


Avatar of War Slayer
up from the bottom wasn't working either. even making supports from walls, I just could not finish it off into the upper level.