"I tried to breed today, threw the damn thing 15-20 times from all angles, put it back in and out."This. So weird. Just who cares, play the game because its fun, get your 60-100 hours in and maybe check back later after some major updates. If Nitendo cared, this would of never made it into EA.
The AI is the only reason I can't call this game amazing and other silly things like GOTY(just lol). Assigning pals can be downright frustrating at times. Nothing else around, just a breeding pen and just a constant "No work in immediate area" and they go off to do random shit. Or if you do assign it, they still wander off sometimes to do other shit. I think sleep, eating or maybe getting in hot springs bugs it also(I got assigned, come back 20 minutes later to it mining instead). I tried to breed today, threw the damn thing 15-20 times from all angles, put it back in and out. Restarted the game. Eventually it just worked out of the blue after I got mad and left to go explore instead and came back to try. Also getting the pick up option for them can be weird if they are mid job somewhere. Have to put them in box and out again, to be able to grab.
As much fun as throwing them at things to make them work is, I would rather just have UI with a drop down to assign. Along with a priority list for the base's random workers.

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