Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


just reporting what I know and passing to the folks here. I could easily bail out of this thread as well with the info, but that's not what we do here.

People may disagree with what I'm saying, but I'm pretty confident it's true.
Hey man, I appreciate you sharing what you know. At least you are honest about the ups and downs, unlike some of the wild-eyed fanaticism I've seen from others on that site.

You may be right about that demo, but if so then not showing the thing when it was still relevant is yet another fuck up of epic proportions. Something like, you know, an actual working piece of software, would have gone a long fucking way to bolster the confidence of potential backers.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
You know, i saw this post and LOL'd but you are probably right... business guy needed. But Smed has not exactly lit the world on fire since either.
Yeah, I wasn't being sarcastic. John Smedley is the only reason Everquest saw the light of day. Come to think of it, if it wasn't for him, Vanguard would have been a dumped project as well. I'm not praising or criticizing Smedley; just pointing out that he was the driving force that actually made shit happen for EQ.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Vhalen is on Ktam radio right now and said straight up that he doesn't blame the fans for wanting a charge back. He said the entire team was blind sided by Brad's announcement and he is very disappointed. For those that don't know, Vhalen is one of the few devs that actually did work. He is the lore guy. He also said that he was paid very low for the work he did and thats fine. Much respect for him at least.


Brad couldn't explain the 160k number on the site or if it was accurate. He just saw the numbers coming into the checking account and couldn't elaborate beyond that. His words.

Vhalen ain't the only one who didn't get much, but as he said in his Rob and Dan interview, he won't be detailing how the money was blown.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
yea, sounds like quite a few were low balled.. No idea what the details are tho. Brad's been asked, it's now an issue. It's on him really.

Lost Ranger_sl

Vhalen is on Ktam radio right now and said straight up that he doesn't blame the fans for wanting a charge back. He said the entire team was blind sided by Brad's announcement and he is very disappointed. For those that don't know, Vhalen is one of the few devs that actually did work. He is the lore guy. He also said that he was paid very low for the work he did and thats fine. Much respect for him at least.
Wow. So there is a pretty good chance then that Brad pocketed most of what they made? /gag

an accordion_sl

If I had any money in this at all, I'd demand an analysis of what was spent where. It wouldn't bring any results, but these people should be screaming for answers.
But that's the thing, anyone smart enough to ask those questions wasn't willing to donate to a scam site. All the morons who put money in probably still believe Brad can get this shit off the ground.


Brad didn't sell his Ferrari for Pantheon... He sold it to keep his fucking habit going. Drugs will make you do all kinds of shit. Most likely he had bills he needed paid and was forced to sell it.

How soon people forget the Pantheon interview where he was obviously high out of his fucking skull.

NES one button controller.jpg

vs EQ

Shouldn't that be the other way around? In EQ you had 8 ability slots. In WoW most classes have 4 hot bars full of shit and need about dozen macros just to be baseline effective for non-trivial content (e.g. hard modes, arena).


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
So Brad blindsided them with this announcement? What's worse, getting laid off in a parking lot or from a post on your own games webpage?


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
Lol, the Pantheon site cracks me up. You won't get a penny back and there are fortunately no write offs for being that kind of fool. I feel for the dupes who did put work in while Brad fleeced them. I don't feel any pity for the associate developers. Brad was this game's Nigerian prince and he's taken his money and run.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Grats apprentice developers! You just got your first taste of what it feels like to be laid off by Brad. If that isn't immersion, I don't know what is.


Grats apprentice developers! You just got your first taste of what it feels like to be laid off by Brad. If that isn't immersion, I don't know what is.
They can all say now they know what the video game industry is really like to their friends.

"Yeah, I did a lil work on an indie MMO game called Pantheon. Got laid off though"