Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Yo u knowest not what of you speak. Pantheon is the king of MMOs and deserves the utmost respect and reverence.
You're absolutely right, as apprentice CEO of brad's garage incorporated we strive for excellence in all we do and I can personally assure you that this game will be released.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I looked through the NDA as I don't want to break it. I also removed all names involved as I don't wish to slander anyone should I be inaccurate. I apologize for making it so difficult to read and I hope everyone understands. This is part of the story that I am aloud to tell. Also I am a very insignificant part of this team. I stayed that way on purpose and chose not to engulf myself any further after witnessing certain actions.

First the new devs-

Dev 1 is way out there. I've spoken with it several times and it's painful. Religious nonsense aside, that had nothing to do with my opinion of it. Speaking with it on team speak you quickly realize how unstable it is. It's thought process is all over the place. It also insist on having It's entire family and team with it on every project. I think part of the reason that Bravo went with it is because it brings a bunch of free labor with it. It has been working on a game for 11 years and has next to nothing to show for it. Some of the mods tried to play what it has and could not even log in.

We all know about New artist 1 and what it can do. It is the definition of amateur and I hope this provides it with a break into the industry. I have my doubts on wither it can accomplish the lofty goals of MMO level design though.


Who the fuck knows. We'll see how the game runs if they ever get this new demo out.

Mods, promotions and drama-

Two mods were promoted over all the others for unknown reasons. Other mods expressed interest in leading up certain things and were ignored while these two got in Brad's ear and said something he liked. With next to no experience, they were given the reins on the website. Immediately drama started as certain mods were being censored and belittled.
The site does not have enough traffic to warrant nearly as many mods as we have.

With two chief mods in place, the others are now expendable and are being treated that way. This is understandable in theory but when you take a closer look, you will see that the underling mods have more experience and skills in the field. This lead to much drama as some felt they did not deserve the position and others felt they were very poor leaders. Two mods threatened to quit the project all together but nothing has come of it yet.

Team Speak attack-

It's unknown exactly what happened but our Team Speak server was attacked and brought down for over a whole week. We switched servers and it was brought down again immediately. This was a blatant attack, but we are unsure from whom.

Direction for the game-

This is a tough one as the mods are being told little more than the public. The team speak server is down and communication is at an all time worst. I personally have not heard from Bravo in weeks. Those I speak with concur with my assessment. What we know is that the new lore team are changing things and getting new zones set up. The art guys are designing the zones for showing to investors. If the product is good enough, they will go for another crowd funding. The website has made over 500 since Bravo's new post 2 days ago. Full development mode is claimed so that people give money again.

Phone call of stupor-

I received a phone call from someone on the team and we discussed many aspects of the project going forward. The person on the phone seemed drunk to me. They slurred their words and had trouble putting together a coherent thought. It was quiet difficult talking to them and I rushed the call and got off. Still in that 30 min conversation I learned many things about this project and it's future.


A deluge of new screenshots have been posted and the game looks as if it will be the most technically advanced ever conceived. Frenzic..can you confirm your involvement in this breathtaking masterpiece?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Sorry, I know it's not exactly what you wanted. Best I can do for now. Unless you take me to that new titty bar in the city, then maybe more!
Shit the spot is up by your hood. Risqu? in Bristol. Those girls are down for whatever


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Seriously dude? Get the fuck out of here with Risque haha. If I wanted crabs and aids I'd get it from hotter girls!
Go there on a Saturday afternoon. I'm not kidding, those girls are fucking hot. I don't mess with them but I know a few people who do,


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
"Shaman are harbringers of the devil. Let's change them to Missionaries."

"Wizards are not in the teachings of Christ. From now on they'll be known as Apostles."