Uh, that was waytoomuch said. Summary please.'Nuff said!
Uh, that was waytoomuch said. Summary please.'Nuff said!
Even though they are releasing some great demo videos for Unity, they are none the less building something.
So basically he made an essay discussing mostly other crap while -he- invoked half truths, full on lies, blaming a "group on the internet", deflection, misdirection and further self deluded marketing aplomb.Here is another post by Brad on MMORPG.com. Convo posted the initial discussion.
They've been involved pretty early on by all indications.Wait wait wait, so Salty and Requiem are now involved in this failed abortion?
Confirming that Pantheon has little to do with creating a new MMO and more to do with getting Brad paid asap.I'd not received a paycheck for 8 months and was not sitting on a nice financial cushion like I was back in 2002. In April of this year we were very close to closing a funding deal. My debt was higher than ever and bills were piling up. So I decided to pay myself for my involvement with Pantheon just as I had been paying the contractors. I do not feel the amount was unusual given my position in the company, what my name cache brought to the game, and given that I'd not received any money for eight months.
That and my point #3 on page 70 that he and the rest of the cult crew continue to give evidence supporting things against them.Confirming that Pantheon has little to do with creating a new MMO and more to do with getting Brad paid asap.
It's not - he's been posting legitimately there for a few weeks now - and has recently gone from a dark blue name to an orange. Unless, he upped a pledge to hide a troll attempt, but I seriously doubt it.this has to be someone going for the long troll?Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen - Advanced Forum Detail Topic - Redgang Post/Brads Post @ MMORPG
Beena while since I have gone to air with anything Pantheon related. Feel free to join me at the bottom of the hour.
Oh how i love the Pantheon forums. Shit is priceless. I can't imagine the level of sad in their lives that they need to make posts like this in a clear attempt garner praise from a washed up has been.I have been Following Aradune since VG and I have heard all the rumors and bullsh** that went with everything from EQ/EQ2/VG/EQN and now this and the only thing I see that is apparent in all of them is people who hate people who are good at what they do.
Now I commend Aradune for standing up for himself and his team, but I would of told them all to piss up a rope...
With all that said. Aradune has to be on the defensive because he and his team and community here are working on along term project. To keep the peace sometimes you have to just be quite and let people talk and do what they are going to do. Sometimes like you see in that thread a nerve gets struck and its hard to keep quite. However Aradune is a true professional and is FULLY entitled to defend himself and actions and anytime. I dont feel he should give them the time of day as its just a bunch of trolls.
No matter what I am behind Aradune and the team at PRoTF until the lights go out. So as progress gets made and the game comes to life we can ride it out until the wheels fall off and everyone else can pound sand.
Self encapsulation through denial and the cults that groom such for status-posturing, manipulation and control. There's plenty of data for a psych grad student thesis in this.Oh how i love the Pantheon forums. Shit is priceless. Pink can't imagine the level of sad in their lives that they need to make posts like this in a clear attempt garner praise from a washed up has been.
The cultists are not that cute and certainly not that deserving.![]()
Caption: The Pantheon Development Team Hard at Work
I've found Brad's next best dream job. Trion Worlds is looking to hire a Director of Business Development:Brad's M.O. remains to start with sounding exasperated and saying "I don't have the time for this" and then railing a line of oxy and writing a 3 billion word thesis
I don't think much would change. His absences would at least have a different reason for happening, but his 15 minutes of posting every 12-14 days wouldn't need to change and he could still collect "donations" from his supplicants. No one would even notice he had a 9-5 gig. Status Quo.i wish some big game company would hire brad on just to see how fast he would shut down pantheon. he probably wouldn't even bother inviting everyone into the parking lot. they will be lucky to get an e-mail.