I haven't posted much on this, but this more recent rumor that I paid my team 'nothing' needs to be addressed:
1. The original team were absolutely compensated. They were contract workers, and each month they would be assigned tasks and the amount they would receive in compensation was right there, in their contract, as an exhibit. They knew how much money they were going to make for that month.
2. The vast majority of the money we raised via crowdfunding went to the team. I am not going to post dollar amounts in regards to what I or anyone on the team received.
3. We worked on this game from September 2013 until the disagreement re: funds occurred in April, 2014. So the amount in total they received and I received was for 7-8 months of work. There was no '3 month advance'. I compensated myself for that 7-8 months of work and I compensated the team for that 7-8 months of work. They were paid for getting done what was in their contract exhibit and for the work done prior to having any money (pre-crowdfunding).
4. Additionally, the founding members (the majority of the original team) received between 4% and 10% equity each in the company via stock.
I regret that there was a disagreement over who got how much money and that this caused an exodus of much of the original team. That said, the team I've re-built since April is getting even more work done, more quickly. That's not to say the original team didn't work hard -- most of them did -- but most of them also were doing contract work on the side, or even worked a full time position and then worked on Pantheon in the evenings. The majority of the team I've more recently assembled don't need nearly as much money to live off of and therefore most of them put most of the day into Pantheon and not other projects.
Lastly, I'd like to address team composition. The original team were all MMO industry vets. The team I have now, not so much. I have had great success in the past building teams that are a mixture of wise industry vets and hungry newbies. Right now I mostly have newbies, and that is in some ways a disadvantage (and in other ways, an advantage). But the goal right now is to continue development and to fill some additional positions (for example, a CEO would be great). Then, in a few months, re-start the quest for angel investors. Once we have funding, I have a long list of industry vets who have contacted me and let me know they are ready to join VR as soon as I'm able to bring them on as employees. So while we do lack the industry vets right now, that will no longer be the case once we bring in the first round of funding that we need.
In the meantime, please check out the details, screenshots, and movies we post on our Facebook page
https://www.facebook.com/pantheonrot..._type=bookmarkevery 1-2 weeks and witness the measurable forward progress we are making with the team I have now.
-Brad McQuaid
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